H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Gallery!? 2011.8.5]

RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Magnemite]

Charganium said:
Weakness and Resistance.
That Magnemite art is really good. Are you going to release the blanks? I love 'em.

Oops, fixed it... not uploaded yet though.
I had no idea what you meant by that for a while. XD
As for the blanks, I'm not sure yet.
Maybe once I get all of them done.
I actually just changed the background for colorless cards; I added the little 'rainbow' at the bottom of the card that isn't on the Porygon cards I already made.
So... Furret is coming up next. XD
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Magnemite]

Lookin' good, Hyunbin!
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Magnemite]

Thanks, CMP! =D

So.. as for Furret...


I was actually gonna put Furret up... but I didn't want to do him without a sketch... so I did Sentret instead.
Yay for being productive at work. XD
I also added the little rainbow gradient at the bottom, so the two Porygon need a 're-release' of sorts.
I probably need to reword the text for Scout Alert too. o-o
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Sentret 2011.7.5]

I like the rainbow at the bottom. :) On sentret, to me, the only thing Scout Alert needs is to have at the end, "Your opponent shuffles his/her deck afterwards." or something like that, as far as a complete re-wording, I don't think it is needed. :) Good Job!
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Sentret 2011.7.5]

BlueEmboar said:
I like the rainbow at the bottom. :) On sentret, to me, the only thing Scout Alert needs is to have at the end, "Your opponent shuffles his/her deck afterwards." or something like that, as far as a complete re-wording, I don't think it is needed. :) Good Job!

Thanks. :D
The thing is, your opponent isn't supposed to shuffle his deck.
Just like a real Sentret, if it senses an oncoming Pokémon, it evades it (the Pokémon gets discarded), if it's a false alarm (Energy or Trainer) nothing happens.
So no shuffling.
Though I do have a question: When an attack reads 'look at the top card from your opponent's deck", do only you look at it or is the card revealed to both players?
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Sentret 2011.7.5]

Hyunbin said:
BlueEmboar said:
I like the rainbow at the bottom. :) On sentret, to me, the only thing Scout Alert needs is to have at the end, "Your opponent shuffles his/her deck afterwards." or something like that, as far as a complete re-wording, I don't think it is needed. :) Good Job!

Thanks. :D
The thing is, your opponent isn't supposed to shuffle his deck.
Just like a real Sentret, if it senses an oncoming Pokémon, it evades it (the Pokémon gets discarded), if it's a false alarm (Energy or Trainer) nothing happens.
So no shuffling.
Though I do have a question: When an attack reads 'look at the top card from your opponent's deck", do only you look at it or is the card revealed to both players?
On Sentret, that makes since never mind what I said. :) As for your question: I have no idea, though I would assume both players see it...
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Sentret 2011.7.5]

SENTRET! The very first Pokemon I ever caught! *Hugs it*

*Cough* Erm... Very cute illustration. Nice fake overall. :)
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Sentret 2011.7.5]

...Anyway, It should read as: "Reveal the top card of your opponent's deck. If it is a Pokémon, discard it. If it is a Trainer or Energy, place it on top of your opponent's deck." I think it might be a bit redundant though.

RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Sentret 2011.7.5]

^ Thanks. ^^
That certainly clears up the problem for 'look'. XD

Anyhoo... I have no new content to post, as I've been working on a secret project <_<
I've decided to put up some spoilers for two cards my friend is designing artwork for:

Pachirisu - Basic - 60HP {L} - Uncommon

PokeBody: High Conductivity
You may attach as many [lightning] Energy to Pachirisu as
you want during your turn.

{L} Discharge 20x
Discard all [lightning] Energy attached to Pachirisu. This attack
does 20 damage times the number of Energy you discarded.

Weakness: {F} x2
Retreat Cost:

Mawile - Basic - 60HP {M} - Rare

{C} {C} Special Fang 30
If Mawile has any [fire] Energy attached to it, the Defending
Pokemon is now Burned. If Mawile has any [lightning] Energy
attached to it, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. If
Mawile has any [psychic] Energy attached to it, the Defending
Pokemon is now Poisoned. The Defending Pokemon cannot be
affected by more than one status condition during this turn.

Weakness: {R} x2
Resistance: {P} -20
Retreat Cost: {C}

I'm really debating having Mawile's attack be that, as it's really easy to set up; it's a Basic plus with deck searching cards that will be introduced in this set it could be killer. <_<
I might want to reserve it for a stage two or stage one but let me know what you guys think. Same with Pachirisu.
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Pachirisu + Mawile Spoilers 2011.7.5]

Since the attack does damage, I'd suggest a coin flip for Paralysis...otherwise it's pretty much a guaranteed KO if you keep spamming Special Fang with Lightning Energy haha
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Pachirisu + Mawile Spoilers 2011.7.5]

True. x-x I changed it so all of them require a coin flip.
Thanks, guys!
Would the following wording be correct?
It sounds so clunky but it seems right. XD

Mawile - Basic - 60HP {M} - Rare

{C} {C} Special Fang 30
If Mawile has any [fire] Energy attached to it, flip a coin.
If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned. If Mawile
has any [lightning] Energy attached to it, flip a coin. If
heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. If Mawile
has any [psychic] Energy attached to it, flip a coin. If heads,
the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. The Defending
Pokemon cannot be affected by more than one status
condition during this turn.

Weakness: {R} x2
Resistance: {P} -20
Retreat Cost: {C}
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Pachirisu + Mawile Spoilers 2011.7.5]

No prob, bro. :) I think it's right, actually.
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Umbreon 2011.7.21]

Sorry for the lack of updates, guys!
I've been focusing on redesigning my portfolio website so I haven't had time to work on artwork or spoilers for this set.
But here's a new one for you: Umbreon


Rewording for the PokéBody would be greatly appreciated. XD
It basically allows Umbreon to switch into either Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Glaceon and Leafeon.
The rest of the Eevee evolutions will have this PokéBody as well.
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Bellossom HELIX! 2011.7.25]

Now without further ado, here is the first Pokémon HELIX revealed from the set!:


I'm not too, too pleased with the artwork yet or 100% happy with the concept, but let me know what you guys think.
Also, rewording of the Poké-Power would be appreciated. XD

I feel like I just merged Pokémon Lv.X with Pokémon PRIME and this happened, lol.
But anyway, the "helix" symbol next to the Pokémon's name is a stylized "H" made to look like a segment of DNA.
Like Lv.X's and PRIMEs, the flavor text and descriptions have been removed, but I did a little more and moved the illustrator bar further down and put the weakness, resistance and retreat cost where the flavor text was.
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Bellossom HELIX! 2011.7.25]

These are really good Hyunbin, they all seem to have realistic attack, energy cost, and poke bodies, powers etc etc. I really like the way the seem to be real, especially the shiny porygon. If you ever do get these printed you should send a copy of a pic so I could print him. Keep up the good work.
RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Bellossom HELIX! 2011.7.25]

That is one of the most amazing cards I have ever seen. Great work!

RE: H1 Rising Power [UPDATE: Bellossom HELIX! 2011.7.25]

Thanks guys! =3
I'm open to suggestions for the next card I make.