• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


RE: [H] Blazekin FB LvX and Staraptor FB LvX [W] SV Venusaur & SW Gardevoir

Sorry I didn't have the venasaur, but I am now interested in different stuff
I saw that you have these
1 Machamp SF
1 Registeel LA
1 Regice LA
I also need these
3 Felicity's Drawing
3 Sableye SF
1 Gyrados SF
3 Gengar SF
2 Nidoqueen RR
2 Cyclone Energy
1 Gastly SF
3 Trapinch SW
1 Flygon RR

LMK via PM. Thanks.
RE: [H] Blazekin FB LvX and Staraptor FB LvX [W] SV Venusaur & SW Gardevoir

Flygon RR

Gallade SW
Cresselia GE

CFOURCOLTSFAN - I am interested in your Blazekin FB and your RR Flygon... I wonder if
.....we can work something out...

You were interested in -
.....1 Machamp SF
.....1 Registeel LA
.....1 Regice LA
.....3 Felicity's Drawing
.....3 Sableye SF
.....1 Gyrados SF
.....3 Gengar SF
.....2 Nidoqueen RR
.....2 Cyclone Energy
.....1 Gastly SF
.....3 Trapinch SW
.....1 Flygon RR

emoto4444 - No thank you on the Flygon RR for Gallade SW/Cresselia GE

RE: [H] Blazekin FB LvX and Staraptor FB LvX [W] SW Gardevoir

Yes, let me change some of those up cuz I've made some more trades so how bout this
Now interested
1 Felicity's Drawing
1 Machamp SF
1 Regice LA
2 Sableye SF
1 Gyrados SF(prefer to replace w/JPN)
3 Gengar SF
1 Cyclone Energy
3 Trapinch SW
1 Flygon RR(Low)
The Blaze FB are for trade as is the X but the Flygon RR is prolly not for trade.
Blazekin FB / Genger


How about

Blazekin FB
Cyclone Energy
3 SW Trapinch

We can take this to PM if you want to proceed.

Thank you.

- H68
RE: [H] Blazekin FB LvX and Staraptor FB LvX [W] 2 SW Gardevoir

SW Gardevoir, RR Flygon(Holo), SV Honchkrow, and maybe something else
Porygon-Z lvl X

RE: [H] Blazekin FB LvX and Staraptor FB LvX [W] 2 SW Gardevoir

cml for magnazone x wont trade a great lvx for it but will trade an x

Captain.Mongoose – Thank you for your offer. I would need a little more than Gardevoir, Flygon, and Honchkrow for Porygon Z LvX. I checked your list... maybe if you added a PT Blastoise and a PokeDrawer+ (if you have any)

tyranitar77 – How about Garchomp LvX for Magnezone LvX? I can add cards to my side of the trade for a MD Garchomp LvX.

Thank you!

- Hypno68

RE: Responses

Hypno68 said:
Captain.Mongoose – Thank you for your offer. I would need a little more than Gardevoir, Flygon, and Honchkrow for Porygon Z LvX. I checked your list... maybe if you added a PT Blastoise and a PokeDrawer+ (if you have any)

- Hypno68

I could add the Blastoise, but I don't have any Pokedrawer+'s
RE: [H] Blazekin FB LvX and Staraptor FB LvX [W] PokeDrawer+ & SW Gardevoir

Cml for both shaymin pt,Tangrowth ge,1 machamp SF,Ge togekiss,Garchomp mt,Tangrowth SF,Ge swampert.
Response for IGETCHEDDA

IGETCHEDDA Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, I did not see anything that caught my eye. Sorry.

- Hypno68
RE: [H] Arceus LvX (Omniscient, Pack) [W] PokeDrawer+ & CYL

CML for any Trapinch SW you may have.
Responses for konter_j8902 / IGETCHEDDA / YourP1MP


Guys, nothing caught my eye, sorry.
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread - - - Want: PokeDrawer+

Hey there Hypno68. Mind Checking my list for your Gliscor X thanks.
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread [W] To Tell You Something...

CML for your MT Kricketune (1RH), MD #12 Phione (X1), SF Blue Voltorb (SH3), MD Espeon (RH) and MD Bronzong (1RH), please.
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread [W] To Tell You Something...

Hey if the majestic dawn sleeves don't sell can you cml for them
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread [W] To Tell You Something...

CML for Garchomp SV x2
I have 3x Pokedrawer +

Thank you both for your posts!

- I posted in your thread... (Garchomps for PD+ and Glalie?)

- I have a strong feeling that they won't sell, so sure... I'd be happy to CYL for them (do me a favor please... try to remind me - I'm rather absent-minded)

Happy Thanksgiving!