Wi-Fi Trades Hacher3's Trade Thread- WISHMAKER GIVEAWAY 2!

What do you want to get in the Wishmaker Giveaway?

  • Wishmaker Jirachi

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Lv 70 Rayquaza

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Lv 50 Lugia (Pokemon XD)

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Lv 50 Salamence

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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All the Bidoof riddles you could want...
(Update 1/15/2009)
2 People have entered and only one has guessed right... I'm going to give everyone a second chance. The new dead line is tommorow 4:00pm.
(Update 1/15/2009)
Well Poke Beach you have spoken, all seven of you... The Wish maker giveaway will remain just that. A giveaway of 100% pure legit Wish maker Jirachis from the Pokemon Coliseum Bonus Disk. Okay. Now that all of that is settled let’s move on to the rules.
1.Answer the Riddle to the best of your knowledge then P.M. me the answer. If you decide to post your answer on my thread you’ll be disqualified.
2.Send the P.M with your answer and friend code. The five winners will be chosen randomly among the entrees.
3.The winners will be announced at 8:15ish
4.The winners will receive their Jirachi at 8:30ish. No Show=No receive. Or at least P.M me before hand so I’ll know you won’t be online.
One massive grand prize winner will receive something…extra.
Okay… So without further ado, let kick off this giveaway!

Wishmaker Riddle II

It swings from only the coolest of branches.
In the dense jungles it plays.
If you can't figure out who this is.
Then it'll LEAF BLADE you away.

(Update 1/09/2009)
About 4 months ago I had a giveaway where everyone had to awnser a simple riddle about a Bidoof. The people who awnsered where rewarded with a lovely legitamite Wishmaker Jirachi. Now I have decided to bring back the giveaway although I need your help. What do you want to recive this time?


WANTS- Man I'm unreasonable.
-Legit Shaymin
-Legit Darkria

Any Legendary.
Johto Trio- Lv 100
Legit Mystery Mew
Legit 10th Anniversery Celebi
Legit Wishmaker Jirachi
Ask for somthing and I'll try to get it for you.

Unlike my last thread this one is short,sweet, and to the point. Post if you have an offer.
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

I have a beautiful shiny Garchomp, this for... Do you have a legit Chikorita?
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

How about alamos darkrai US and movie shaymin JP for your 10 aniv celebi and mistery mew?
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

Looks like we have ourselves a trade
Darkrai for Mew
Shaymin for Celebi
When do you want to do this?
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

Now if you want. You have noticed that my shaymin is japanese right? Theres no diferent apart from the weird name though....
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

I've never cared about names. A Pokemon is a Pokemon.
I'll meet you on Wi-Fi.
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

Another great trade. Enjoy the new Pokes.
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

I have a lv 100 Shiny half Legit Darkrai(By half I mean my friend used the Newmoon Island Cheat).
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

What do you want for the shiny darkria?
Also do you still want your Wishmaker Jirachi?
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

I forgot about him. Wasn't he the giveaway Jirachi? For Darkrai, I do not know yet but I will keep you posted.
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

The Jirachi is free.
Pick somthing else for the Darkria.
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

I just got one but it's not for trading.
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

My Japanese Movie Darkrai (cloned using an AR)
For your Wishmaker Jirachi
RE: Hacher3 New Trade Thread.

Light Venusaur
Okay. When do you want to trade?
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