DPPt/HGSS Hacking. Good or Bad?

Do you agree with use of these devices?

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imo, the only illegal mons worth hacking are spiritomb/wonderguard and slaking with scrappy or huge power(and the occasional gyrados with volt absorb or scizor with flash fire)just dont use them in competitive play, its way unfair
I only use my ar for cloning, so that I can save others huge amounts of time tracking down others when they want to trade with me but want a clone.
I only justify it if you are using it to clone, get Rare Candies, fight any wild Pokemon repeatedly as long as you don't catch it, or get more TMs. TMs could be gotten if you traded Pokemon holding them so there is an unlimited supply in reality. Rare Candies the same can be said, plus they can be purchased for BP. Fighting the same Pokemon over and over by using a code only speeds up EV training. As long as you aren't catching the Pokemon you are making appear where it shouldn't I would consider it fair.
I still dont understand why if you had sooooo much data and worked soooo hard on your game, you would even risk corrupting your game.... I know i wouldnt. Not even with so called "safe" or "legitiment" hacking.
It's your game, your time, your life. Do what makes it the most fun for you. In the competitive environment, there's no advantages to using AR. Hacked pokemon that have unfair stats/unobtainable conditions (Or hacked at all if they catch it) are kicked out, so really cheating doesn't give you any edge on the other players. PMJ makes some great points.
i only do in extreme measures or in short terms because i dont want to go bonkers and kill giratina in platinum so he was unobtainable. And since my AR broke i done the game without cheats. Actually if i got another AR id use it for small things like a few levels not lv one just hatched to lvl 100 maybe train till lev 27 use cheats until 50 because i used it for help witch essentailly cheats are for (and fun of course).
There is nothing wrong with cheating in a game as sometimes people don't have enough time to EV train, or do other things like that, as it may take a long time to do and they simply don't have the time to spend their days/weeks training ONE Pokemon. It would be unfair to say 'Oh, because this guy goes to a school that gives a load of homework, he can't have an EV trained Pokemon' or 'This guy sees his friends 24/7, and so he can't have an EV trained Pokemon like I do because he doens't have the time like I do'

Cheating to get through a game's storyline depends on the person, though in my oppinion when cheating during the storyline there is no challenge to the game which makes it boring.
It it the user's decision whether or not to hack. Not only that, but they bought the game so have legal rights to do that to it. Hacking really isn't right, or wrong. It depends on the person. Some people do not have time for EV training, and it might be tiring to breed and EV a whole team. What if you have some big battle 2 days from then? Do you think you could finish all 6 pokemon in that time? I doubt it unless all 24 hours of each day went into it. That's why some people like to PokeSav, not enough time. Personally, I would never hack to actually BEAT the game. It does ruin the fun. I love having accomplished the game itself, by myself without cheating. However when you already beat the game how would hacking take the fun out of the game? There would be about nothing to do, so it won't really matter unless you start all over again. This thread will never find a true answer. Each person has their own views and thoughts about hacking, so this issue will never be resolved. However, I, myself, am not against it yet not completely for it. If I need to do it, I will. If not, then probably not.
I can't really decide whether it is good or bad. Like others said, it is great for EVing, but using it to get a lv.100 Arceus in Route 202 with unlimited Master Balls is just abusing your game. If you do it on Wi-Fi, I think that it is ok if you give your Pokemon fair EV's and Movesets, but if you use it to make your Scizor defeat your opponent's Salamence when it is damaged, then I am disgusted.

Overall, if it is for a reasonable purpose, other than "oh yeah i was bored so i got a lv 100 arceus so i beat everything" I am ok with it.

To be honest, I used my TRU Arceus in Platinum, but only when I was out of Pokemon, or I had no other option. I say that that would be fair.
Hacking is stupid. Why not just write on a piece of paper that you have every pokemon shiny level 100? Pointless. Takes away the entire point of playing the games.
Well, I think hacking is fine as long as you don't use it for illegal movesets or stats. If you use it for something legal I think it's fine. Although I agree with Azu. Getting all shiny pokemon is really pointless considering the only thing that shinies have over other pokemon is that you can brag about them and you can be proud of them. Also, they look cool:p Hacking them really defeats the point.
Yeah, I still don't understand why people care so much about shinies! They're just different colored Pokémon and most of the recolors suck!
idk if i already said this: hacking=good unless you use illegal mons in competetive play
Weel,as long as you not use it to hack pokemons and trade them or use hacked ones in battles,im ok with that.Personally, i use cloning,breeding(fast hatch code,because sometimes is painful to get the right nature) and thats it.
hacking=good unless you use it to hack...a level 100 darkrai before you get to the first gym.
doing something like that just ruins the fun of the story/game
hacking=good if you are going to make copies of event pokemon(imo special event pokemon are unfair and all should be available in the game or via trade because some of us dont have wi-fi or cant get to a gamestop for examples...)and hacking=good if you are going to use it for legal cocmpetative pokemon(no wonder-tombs). who has the time to ev train and breed perfectly iv'd pokemon?
and offtopic:im so glad that tms arent single-used anymore
Like others have said, I am for hacking once you have completed the game to the fullest of extents in which you intend to complete it in. However my exception is the master ball hack, I see nothing wrong with that as to be honest, I dont get a quick out of watching my pokemon escape and run away on me. If you do then obviously that hack isnt for you.

Other hacks I use are the max TM and max rare candy. Those are what I use after I have completed the game as I want to get a decent team in little time. I am a college student and I dont have the time of day to train my bidoof to lv 100. I also like max tm as it allows your team to learn certain moves which are amazing and that are limited to 2-3 uses.

For example when I was a noob at the game, I only found one tm of Earthquake and I taught it to my steelix. Little did I know that wasnt very competitive in the real world. Should I get punished for my noobyness? I dont think so.

I enjoy using hacks as it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when you have a lv 100 bidoof. Dont know about you guys...