Zierant said:How much for Arceus LV X Meteor and Rayquaza C LV X promo?
tyler_pwn said:For x2 Crobat G would you take $4? shipping included.
EspeonROX said:You bet!
Yeah, I can do $25 for those cards and the throw in Espeons. PMing you now...
HeatRotomFTW1997 said:Skipped?![]()
icman92 said:Hey how much for 1 pokeball mat sealed or nm
And the clear arceus and clear giratina sleeves?
Zierant said:$5 For Rayquaza Promo?
Catbus said:I apologize HeatRotomFTW1997! I'm sure I multi-quoted you, but you didn't pop up when I replied to the others. Same thing happened when I just tried again...weird! Anyway...on your offer...maybe. I've had a bit of interest in the Pika M X, but will sell it within the week and you have the leading offer ATM. I understand if you can't wait that long, up to you.
icman92 said:I don't know the values so would you do $20 for a used mat $10 each for sleeves?
HeatRotomFTW1997 said:Alright, I'm in no hurry, so just LMK then if I still have the leading offer.
icman92 said:Well on eBay for the sleeves the bin price is $17.80 but is there any way that we can work out cards + cash for the arceus sleeves cuz that's mainly what I want[/align]
Catbus said:Well, one auction lists at that price, but that's for 30 sleeves, not 60, you really need to read the descriptions carefully, as some people on eBay try to market their stuff a bit deceptively. Plus, they are charging $10 shipping, so it would cost you a minimum of $45 to get 60 of those sleeves, and that's the cheapest auction price. I will likely sell them in the next week or so to the best reasonable offer, so feel free to make one. $10 is not a reasoable offer. Not looking for cards ATM.
icman92 said:Ok what's the lowest you'll take for them?
Catbus said:At this point, maybe $45 shipped. Might take less a bit down the road, or might get better offers, just don't know.
icman92 said:Ok I'll see what I can do and I'll lyk
Speedrill8585 said:Is your Michina Shrine mint?
icman92 said:Hey sorry to bug you again but how much for the Japanese decks?
Garchomp and charizard
Catbus said:Big me all you want. Let's say $25 shipped, it's first edition.
icman92 said:Ok I'll see if I can get it at league tomorow and Saturday
richkid50000 said:whats the lowest you can go for pikachu X?