HailRoom VGC 2012 Team RMT


Kingdra Player!
Hey this is Blastagator here with a team that I hope to go to regionals with. I can tell it needs a lot of help, since I lose against most every Scizor and Sand player. I started this team on the basis of the Worlds 2010 winning team, but made a few adjustments.
Cresselia @ Mental Herb
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp.Def
-Trick Room
-Helping Hand

Ok, the main TR Pokemon of this team. It has amazing bulk to help counter Scizor and can help anything else out on my team with Helping Hand or Reflect. Protect is because it is VGC and you kinda need it on most every Pokemon. Reuniclus was here, but Cresselia bypasses it in terms of bulk to help get a TR up.

Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk)
Flash Fire
EVs: (4HP/252SpA/252Spe)
- Heat Wave
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Psychic

Chandelure is a kinda gimmick in this team because they would expect it to use TR instead of being a Scarf version. I send him in to kill off any threats to Glaceon. When Chandelure faints, I set up TR and start with Abomasnow. Heat Wave and Shadow Ball for Stab. Flash Fire for absorbing Fire attacks aimed at Glaceon or Abomasnow. Energy Ball and Psychic or just mainly fillers for now, since I can't think of anything else to use on it. My only Scizor counter.

Abomasnow @ Focus Sash
Quiet (+SpAtk, -Spe)
Snow Warning
EVs: (252HP/252SpA/4Atk)
- Blizzard
- Ice Shard
- Grass Knot
- Protect

Ok, the Hail bringer to set up my Glaceon's reign of terror. EVs for bulk so he can't get knocked out as easily. Focus Sash for kinda gimmick fun, so if they Heat Wave me with Ninetales I will stay in at least one turn longer so I can switch out. Grass Knot for heavier Pokemon like Terrakion and the only Grass move on my team. Ice Shard for the Priority to KO little things with almost none left. And Blizzard of course because of Hail.

Glaceon @ BrightPowder
Quiet (+SpAtk, -Spe)
Snow Cloak
EVs: (252HP/4Def/252SpA)
- Blizzard
- Hidden Power (Ground)
- Shadow Ball
- Protect

The main attacker of this team. It is slower than most Eeveelutions, and it gets Blizzard which is a bonus, while being an Ice type being able to abuse Hail. Snow Cloak+BrightPowder= Troll because it helps not get KO'd sometimes by Priority moves.It makes a lot of epic dodges that helps me win the match. Blizzard because it is a Hail team and it hits both Pokemon. HP Ground is for hitting Terrakion and Ninetales for weakness and hits Scizor for neutral.

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Quiet (+SpAtk, -Spe)
Cursed Body
EVs: (252HP/4SpDef/252SpA)
- Water Spout
- Trick Room
- Shadow Ball
- Protect

Ok, my last TR of the team, since every team needs 2 TR users. I like this Jelli because it can take most Physical hits like a BOSS. Water Spout because it hits both Pokemon and it hits harder than Scald most of the time. Shadow Ball for STAB, and Cursed Body to hopefull stop their hardest hitting move. Protect because every Pokemon needs Protect in doubles.
EVs for Special Atk

Hitmontop @ Eject Button
Brave (+Atk, -Spe)
EVs: (252HP/252Atk/4Def)
- Sucker Punch
- Mach Punch/Close Combat
- Fake Out
- Wide Guard

Ok, the only true Physical Attacker in this team. Intimitop is a very common set with the Eject Button. Sucker Punch is for Chandelures. Mach Punch/Close Combat for Rock types like Terrakion and for STAB. Fake Out to buy me some time to set up TR. Wide Guard is to stop Multi Hitting moves like Heat Wave.

Conclusion: This team is good, but has been better. I think I need a fast Fake Out user like Infernape or Toxicroak. Amoonguss might be tried to help set up TR, but I don't really know what to take out for it. All constructive critisism will be accepted because I am fairly new to the competitive playing scene. Thanks in advance!
Okay first off, if you're having problems with Scizor use Cresselia over Reuniclus. You might be all ohlolwhatitsstillweak, but Cresselia is amazing, and it gives me and pretty much anyone else real problems. It has better defenses overall, and it's just really good. I'd reccomend something like this:

Cresselia @ Berry that reduces Bug Type Moves/Mental Herb
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp.Def
-Trick Room
-Protect/Reflect/Helping Hand
-Reflect/Light Screen/Helping Hand
-Psychic/Ice Beam/Helping Hand

I'm 99% certain that even Scizor's Technician boosted Bug Bite doesn't kill, even when it's holding a Band/Bug Gem. And that's without the Coba Berry or whatever. Cresselia is my biggest nuisance when facing trick room teams, if it doesn't have cresselia, I usually can deal with it. Cress has thousands of options for you to choose from, lots of them great, and remember this isn't the only way about using her.

Scarf Chandy kinda doesn't make sense for me on this team. I mean if it's working well for you, and you need a revenge killer keep it, but I'd rather replace with a standard trick room set, (quiet, 252 sp.atk, 252 HP, 4 Def with TR, Heat Wave, Shadow Ball, Protect/Coverage Move).

Okay you either use Sash, or you use bulk. You really can't use both. I'd change the EVs to 252 HP, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 Atk Quiet. Everything else about Abomasnow is good.

Glaceon looks fine IMO, I'd personally take something out for Substitute. In Trick Room it can constantly use Substitute until your opponent pulls of a miss, and then when that happens you have a free Blizzard. Garchomp with Sand Veil/BrightPowder and Sub is quite the annoyance, so this should work just the same. I'm not sure what you'd want to take out for Sub, but anything except Blizzard should work just fine.

I'd go for a more offensive approach on Jellicent IMO. Cresselia can afford not to attack, but one of Jellicent's main traits is Water Spout and you should use that to your advantage.

Jellicent @ Leftovers/Water Gem
252 HP, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 Sp.Def
-Water Spout
-Trick Room
-Shadow Ball

And finally, like I think you were implying Druddigon is a subpar TR abuser. Toxicroak and Hitmontop are both better users of Sucker Punch, plus they get access to Fake Out. They both have amazing abilities, Toxicroak tanking well against a rain team, and Hitmontop crippling enemy offensive pokemon, or boosting it's own attacks. Amoonguss is a great idea too, with a set of Rage Powder, Spore, Protect, and a filller (Giga Drain, HP Ice, Helping Hand) it does wonders. If you can it'd be great to test all of these options out yourself on Pokemon Online, but I myself like Amoonguss, just because it's so hard to deal with when in combination with a Trick Room setter.

Hope I helped, and good luck to you!
Thanks for the input! I have tested Amoonguss before and it is awesome but now with this new teamlist I don't really know what to take out for it.