Aspiring Trainer
I just got into Pokemon recently, have a few questions and thought i would ask the pros.

What should i do as far as theme decks go?

My friends say i should get another theme deck in order to get more cards and have more options on what kind of deck i should go with, as i am still undecided. We narrowed it down to 2 theme decks... the Magmortar deck and the new Tyranitar deck to be released Wednsday (Nov. 5th, 2008). Anyway my question is does anyone have a suggestion for which direction i should go?
i would go with the tyranitar deck as most of the packs you will get will be the new ones,also it comes with 13 basic dark energy which is really good and some really good trainers such as great ball, cynthia's, and others. so i vote T-Tar.
Ok, thanks for that. Now i have a question about the POS leaf deck i have. what do i need to do to fix this? INB4: Trash, buy new one, quit, etc

Combee x1
Bellsprout x1
Weepinbell x1
Victreebell x1
Unknown A x1
Sentret x2
Furret x2
Scyther x1
Vespiqueen x1
Leafeon x2
Scizor x1
Cherrim x1
Evee x4
Cherubi x1

Poke Radar x1
NIght Maintenance x2
Switch x2
Warp Point x2
Evoluter x1
Pokedex x2
Rare candy x2
Quick Ball x1

Buck's Training x2
Professor Oak's visit x2
Roseanne's Research x3
Cynthia's Feelings x1

Leaf Energy x20


Ummm.... Yes.

My friends helped me out as much as they could, so im using what i have. What should i trade for, look out for, etc. I think im set with the evee's/leafeons, but i need a lvl X O.O i think the trainers are ok as well, but i will let the experts decide. So.... HALP once again lol
You have waaaaaaaaay too many evolution lines in this deck, as well as not enough trainers. A good, average deck has about 15-22 pokemon, 20-30 trainers, and 15-20 energy. Try to choose one deck type out of the cards in your deck, and stick with it. It seems to me that you combinded a Scizor deck with a Leafeon deck, but without the X, my advice is to stick with Scizor. Try to get in a 4-4 Scizor line and a 3-3 or 4-4 Cherrim line in to the mix, a nd you could even add a few Vesbiquens. Poke Radar is unreliable so take that out, along with the rare candy and the poke dex. You should also seriously consider throwing some Bebe's, as just about every deck has at least 3-4.

I second xtrabaggage's opinion.
You never, NEVER have 1-1 evolution line. You will never draw the cards quickly enough to get the basic and evolutions.
Your friends seriously need help
well like i said im working with what i have, all their leafeon X's and scizor X's were allready in decks, so i got the left overs.