Wi-Fi Trades HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread, Manaphy, shinies, and legendarys for trade here!

RE: HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread

Wes1234:i'm already trading my shiny eevee to someone else, sorry
sorachaos: What do you want for them?
RE: HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread, I really need a ditto, will trade 5 pokemon for it

I can also give you a Ditto. I also have most of the Pokemon in your wants list. It doesn't matter what you give me.
RE: HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread, I really need a ditto, will trade 5 pokemon for it

Togeshroob:Thanks a lot
RE: HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread, Manaphy for traade here!

If you still have the manaphy I can trade you all three of the regi's plus a groudon.
RE: HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread, Manaphy for traade here!

I don't need those, do you have any shinies? If you don't, i'll give it to you for free
RE: HaniKazmi's "My Player" Thread, Manaphy for traade here!

I don't have any shinies. I'm sorry. You'll give it to me for free?! Really! That is amazing! Thanks alot. Pm me your pal code and I'll pm you mine back so we can trade.