Yayz... I like Easter... especially the part where I'm required to visit every one of my visiting family members. XD Anybody here get an Easter basket that you hunt around your house to find?
Best day of the year! I think you'll all hippety hopping agree that I, the easter bunny, am a big hop away from that Santa Claws you all go on about. BUNNYS HAVE CLAWS TOO! Anyway, the only thing I don't like about Easter is everyone thinks they can eat my babies. I LEFT THEM AT YOUR HOUSE SO THEY COULD HATCH AND HIPPETY HOP AWAY! You kids and your ho ho hos... honestly - could that Santa fellow be any more risqué? Oh well, at least I get some comfort knowing where those eggs your eating hippety hopped out of...
Happy Easter! I'm mostly into holidays for their background, and not the materialistic traits they've gained over the years. (Well, some of them have gained that trait, anyways.) Plus, I don't like chocolate, so...
It's alright Xous! I don't mind you not eating my babies at all! And looking at the actual holiday is a great idea - I mean I love people celebrating me.