Wi-Fi Trades Haru's MyPlayer Thread - Trading Shiny Venusaur with egg moves


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 0001 - 3446 - 6945 (Larvesta, Growlithe and Fletchinder.)
Time Zone: GMT +1 (Spain)
Times Available: Pretty much all day


Shiny Venusaur:

* LvL 80
* Neutral nature
* Egg moves: Giga Drain, Magic Leaf, Grass Whistle
* Destacable IVs: HP, Atk, Speed
* Fully EV trained (SpA, HP, SpD)
* Max Poké-Amie affection
* Current moveset: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Substitute

Perfect IVs Houndours:

* Timid nature
* 5 perfect IVs (HP, Def, SpD, Spe and either Atk or SpA)

Mega stones:

* Charizardite X


* All Kalos starters
* All Kanto starters
* Amauras
* Tyrunts
* Safari dittos
* X exclusives

Services Offered:

None currently

Wants: in priority order:

* Houndoomite
* Mewtwonite Y
* Aggronite
* Yveltal
RE: Haru's MyPlayer Thread

I really want your Shiny Venusaur. I don't have any of your wants, but you might see something you like.

I have a shiny Staryu creatively named Patrick. He has an Impish nature. Will that suffice for your Venusaur?