BW/BW2 Hatred Evolutions in the Fifth Generation?

Do you think there will be hatred evolutions in the 5th gen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters


I don't know if there was already a thread like this (if so, I must have missed it and apologize...), but I was wondering if anyone else thinks we'll see Pokemon that evolve through methods that involve making the creatures despise their trainer. I've been anticipating some sort of hatred evos for years, yet we still have yet to see Pokemon that have them. So does anyone feel the same, or would this just be wrong?
PokemonFreak44 said:
^^^^what are hatred evos??!!

I'm going to guess evos based on trating your pokemon badly.

Normally, I would say that this probably won't happen... but since Black and White are based off of Yin and Yang, there could be the possibility of hatred based evos.
well hatred evos would totally make sense
pokemon can already evolve through happiness
so why not sadness/hate as well?
i think its a good idea
I would like to have this (as Pokes just caught could evolve and herbs would have use), but I doubt it is going to happen since GF is all about "being partners with your Pokemon".
That's an intresting idea. I can see Pokemon like Banette having hatred evolutions, and I can't wait to see if they include it.
If you beat someone with a baseball bat it won't make them stronger.

With that I say nay to hatred evolutions.
Ooh, mixed feelings! I didn't mean to start a heated debate or anything, but I just wanted to see what people thought about the idea (since it seemed that, for a time after the fifth gen games were announced, people became obsessed with new evolution methods...and, for some reason, this idea seemed to me like it got ignored or it was something kind of taboo).

Leafy101 said:
That's an intresting idea. I can see Pokemon like Banette having hatred evolutions, and I can't wait to see if they include it.

Dark and Ghost Pokemon would definitely be prime candidates for hate-based evolutions. So, it wouldn't surprise me if they did do one for Banette. Still, I guess it has yet to be seen.

CyndaquilMaster said:
Maybe have split evo's. One in happiness and one in hatred. I could see Absol evolving through hatred.

I did that for some of my Fakemon over the past several years, so I'm kind of surprised that wasn't actually done in the real series. At one point I thought there was going to be a Fighting/Dark evolution for Riolu that could only be done at night (kind of a rogue fighter to serve as Lucario's polar opposite). Still, I'd like to see an evo of Absol that uses hate too.
I would like it but it probably wont happen because it's like saying. lets abuse this pokemon and then he'll evolve into a mean grumpy pokemon that kill the trainer
I would actually be interested in this idea. Maybe for the baby pokemon that must evolve through happiness, they could evolve through hatred and bring a whole new line to their family. That is, only if Pokemon really gets so desperate for ideas they have to create whole new evolutionary lines. Still, it would be an interesting idea and it's highly plausible. But, there's a good chance it won't happen. It's one of those ideas where it sounds really good and everything is in place for it, but it can be bad. :/
I had this idea but if you think Pokemon are played by a lot of kids so to elvolve they have to make it hatred and do bad stuff with it .Parents hate that remeber
rockinpikachu said:
I would like it but it probably wont happen because it's like saying. lets abuse this pokemon and then he'll evolve into a mean grumpy pokemon that kill the trainer

monpyro97 said:
I had this idea but if you think Pokemon are played by a lot of kids so to elvolve they have to make it hatred and do bad stuff with it .Parents hate that remeber

Hmm... Those are some pretty good points (in addition to ones already mentioned). Though, there is a huge difference between insinuated abuse and real abuse. The worst that one could possibly do in Pokemon from the get go is just use bitter herbs and/or let the creatures faint constantly to make them hate the person raising them (as opposed to real-life animal abuse, where people mercilessly beat their pets or just neglect them). Still, I guess odds are this won't happen...
Well if they evolve by hatred i don't think it will be because of abuse. I think it will be because of neglect like not using it alot or not healing it straight away when it's poisoned or paralyzed. Maybe Pokemon are trying to teach you to respect all of your pokemon so they don't become dark creature. Finally maybe if they are neglected and evolve into a dark form maybe they'll start to disobey you.
No thanks. I already think that the move Frustration is a waste of a TM slot. I'd rather seem pokemon evolve depending on the trainer's poor (or good) choices in the game instead. Like if you're allowed to become a part of the villains or something then your pokemon could evolve differently than if you didn't. It doesn't mean you've been mean to your pokemon, perse, but you might be making them do bad things.
No. Hatred evos would just cause problems. Pokemon isn't about hating your Pokemon, it's about caring for them. No hatred evos. Plus, Pokemon wouldn't do hatred evos because of parents.