• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Have: A lot. Want: In desperate need of Shaymin lv.x (Land form)...


Made in Croatia
First of all the rules:
1. I am from Croatia, so that means I send everywhere
2. Cards must be sent in a slieve in a toploader
4. If you do not ask for the condition of card, I will assume that you don`t care.
5. I would like to have signs from you so please sign your user name on some card you don`t need ;)
6. All my cards are mint unless I stated otherwise and I really want mint cards too...
7. Please ask if you want an item to be holo or RH so I can check it out and LYK
8. Have fun!:D

BTW, my brother is Cetanium so if I couldn`t respond to you cause I don`t have much free time that day, Cetanium can substitute me and you can make deals with him also.

Now my wants for now:
CYL (I realy love to make 1482057834 decks ^^)

Landmin lv.x (biggest want right now)
x2 Garchomp C
x2 really cool deckboxes for my brother and me
playmat or two, if offer is good why not
Palmer`s Contribution
Dodrio SV x2
Flower shop girl x2
Undaunted PR sleeves
Triumphant PR sleeves
DPt4 Arceus sleeves (purple ones)
BTS x2
Rare Candy xXx
Upper part of RDL
Bottom par of KGL

Low wants:
Cleffas with eeeeeek (7 cards)

Now my haves:

x1 Supreme Victors PR Golden Garchomp sleeves

Arceus 94/99
Arceus DP53 x2
Blaziken FB
Electivire FB
Salamance x2

Shinies, Rotoms, etc.
Shining Gyarados (it has some scratches)
Red Gyarados x2 (1 is H and 1 is RH)

Meganium x2
4 Ursaring (they are going only if you want all 4)

Full Lugia
Upper part of Lugia
Full Ho-oh x2

Promo x2
{R} x3
{P} x2
{F} x2
{M} x2

Sunflora x2 HGSS
Ledian HGSS
Ariados x3 HGSS
Butterfree x2 HGSS
Meganium HGSS
Mothim AR
Sceptile AR 30/99
Sceptile AR 31/99
Sceptile x3 SF
Yanmega LA
Cherrim AR
Cherrim SF
Cherrim UL
Cradily x3 LA
Bellosom x3 LA
Victreebel LA
Vileplume LA
Kricketune PL
Tangrowth SF x2
Beedrill RR
Beautifly PL
Bellossom UD

Typhlosion x2
Ninetales HGSS x2
Ninetales PL x2
Arcanine x2
Camerupt G
Camerupt x2
Torkoal x2
Houndoom x2

Azumarill x3
Feraligatr x3
Lapras x3
Quagsire x2
Froslass AR H
Dewgong RH
Swampet H
Seaking x3 SV
Palkia PL
Abomasnow x4
Regice x3
Crawdaunt x4
Mamowswine LA x3
Froslass x4 LA

Ampharos HGSS x3
Raichu AR
Raichu HGSS x2
Pichu HGSS x2
Pichu AR x2
Minun x2
Ampharos pop7
Rotom pop9
Luxray AR
Manectric AR
Electrode SF
Rotom UD

All Deoxys formes LA
Weezing HGSS x3
Exeggutor HGSS x3
Exeggutor x3
Jinx HGSS x2
Gardevoir PL x3
Giratina LA
Giratina PL 9/127
Giratina PL 10/127
Mismagius UL
Mismagius SF
Wobbuffet HGSS
Slowking HGSS
Swalot AR
Spiritomb LA
Mr.Mime SV
Bronzong SF x2
Claydol SV
Mesprit x4 LA
Espeon UD RH

Sandslash HGSS x3
Hitmontop x2 HGSS
Primeape SV
Rhyperior x2
Hippowdon x3
Nidoking x2
Probopass x2

Drapion x4
Skuntank SF

Heatran x3
Bronzong x2
Registeel x2

Staraptor x2
Salamance SF x2
Salamance AR x2
Lopunny x3
Rayquaza x3
Regigigas 15/146
Regigigas 37/146
Delcatty LA
Persian HGSS x2
Furret x2
Granbull x2
Flygon x3
Garchomp x2

Sp Pokemons
Luxray GL
Empoleon FB
Froslass GL
Toxicroak G
Lucario C x2
Porygon-Z G
Chatot G
Rampardos GL
Beedrill G
Honchkrow G x2
Skuntank G x3
Infernape 4 x4

Trainers, Supporters and Stadiums
Cynthia` Guidance x3
Poke Blower + 4
Buck` Training x4
Department Store Girl x3
Copycat x9
Buffer Piece x2
Poke Healer +
Moomoo Milk xxx
Evoluter x6
Marley`s Request x4
Poke Radar x3
Level Max x3
Cyrus`s Initiative x3
Plus Power xxx
Vs Seeker
Energy Link x2
Expert Belt x4
Bench Shield x6
Beginning Door x3
Luxury Ball
Ultimate Zone x3
Galactic HQ x3
Miasma Valley x3
Sunyshore City Gym x3
Stark Mountain x3
Conductive Quarry x3
Champion` Room x3
Battle Tower
Snowpoint Temple x3
Looker`s Investigation
Volkner` Philosophy x3
Flint`s Willpower x3
Memory Berry x3
Fisherman x3
Pokemon Reversal x7
Professor Elm`s Training Method x7
Pokegear 3.0 x2
Judge x3
Emcee` Chatter x2
Legend Box
Defender x2
Team Rocket's Trickery x2 (x1 RH)

So that will be it, happy trading!;):p

(I think I am back for like seventh time, never forgive me :D)
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

CML for:
Eeveelutions & Lions (Shinx & Evo's.)
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

I have:
1x Uxie LA
1x Rare Candy
1x Electivire Lv. X

For your:
Magnezone Lv. X
Super Scoop Up x2 (new ones)
Professor Oak`s Visit
Dragonite H
Gliscor H

LMK, thanks.
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs....

Light Venesaur: Where do you see on my list eeveelutions?
EDIT: You need shinx, luxio and luxray from D&P? I have 4 from la, but I do not trade them

Yata: No, I refuse your offer. I do not want electiwire so badly, I can live without him:p. But what would you want for rare candys and uxie la?
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

im interested in your:

Azelf RH
Poke Radar x7
Snowpoint Temple x3

I have a bunch of trainers and supporters and MD torterras

RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

Mr. Sally said:
im interested in your:

Azelf RH
Poke Radar x7
Snowpoint Temple x3

I have a bunch of trainers and supporters and MD torterras


I don`t see have you got rare candys or felicity`s. If you have them, maybe we can do something about it cause I do not see much from your list
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
im interested in your:

Azelf RH
Poke Radar x7
Snowpoint Temple x3

I have a bunch of trainers and supporters and MD torterras


I don`t see have you got rare candys or felicity`s. If you have them, maybe we can do something about it cause I do not see much from your list

Yes. i do have rare candies and felicity's. i just dont post all my stuff on my list.
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
im interested in your:

Azelf RH
Poke Radar x7
Snowpoint Temple x3

I have a bunch of trainers and supporters and MD torterras


I don`t see have you got rare candys or felicity`s. If you have them, maybe we can do something about it cause I do not see much from your list

Yes. I do have rare candies and felicity's. I just don't post all my stuff on my list.

How much do you have them, and yeah, i will not trade all of my poke radars.
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

i have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or i offer less.
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or I offer less.

Please tell me, what do you want more from my list?
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or I offer less.

Please tell me, what do you want more from my list?
I saw these:
Heatran fire H
Yanmega x1 RH
Heatran steel x2 RH
Jirachi x2 RH
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or I offer less.

Please tell me, what do you want more from my list?
I saw these:
Heatran fire H
Yanmega x1 RH
Heatran steel x2 RH
Jirachi x2 RH

Do you want then my
3 pokeradars
azelf RH from MT
3 Snowpoint temple
2 Heatran steel RH

for your
3 candys
4 felicity`s?
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or I offer less.

Please tell me, what do you want more from my list?
I saw these:
Heatran fire H
Yanmega x1 RH
Heatran steel x2 RH
Jirachi x2 RH

Do you want then my
3 pokeradars
azelf RH from MT
3 Snowpoint temple
2 Heatran steel RH

for your
3 candys
4 felicity`s?

if you can throw in the:
Jirachi x2 RH

RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or I offer less.

Please tell me, what do you want more from my list?
I saw these:
Heatran fire H
Yanmega x1 RH
Heatran steel x2 RH
Jirachi x2 RH

Do you want then my
3 pokeradars
azelf RH from MT
3 Snowpoint temple
2 Heatran steel RH

for your
3 candys
4 felicity`s?

if you can throw in the:
Jirachi x2 RH


No, I can not, because I am losing (value of the cards that you will get is on your side) in this offer, so do you want it please???? I need them badly...
Or we can deal smth like this

azelf RH MT
3 poke radars
3 Snowpoint temple
2 Heatran steel RH
2 Jirachi RH

For Your
3 candys
4 felicity`s
pachirishu RH or none RH, it is almost the same, but I will prefer RH:p
RE: N: tortera md, kingdras, trainers and claydols H: some x and lote more stuffs...

vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
vrapceboy said:
Mr. Sally said:
I have 3 rare candies and how many felicity's do you need?

I will need 4.

I have 4

Can we make
3 pokeradars
azelf RH
3 Snowpoint temple

for your:
3 rare candys
4 felicity`s?
Candys are hard to get atm so its either you offer me more or I offer less.

Please tell me, what do you want more from my list?
I saw these:
Heatran fire H
Yanmega x1 RH
Heatran steel x2 RH
Jirachi x2 RH

Do you want then my
3 pokeradars
azelf RH from MT
3 Snowpoint temple
2 Heatran steel RH

for your
3 candys
4 felicity`s?

if you can throw in the:
Jirachi x2 RH


No, I can not, because I am losing (value of the cards that you will get is on your side) in this offer, so do you want it please???? I need them badly...
Or we can deal smth like this

azelf RH MT
3 poke radars
3 Snowpoint temple
2 Heatran steel RH
2 Jirachi RH

For Your
3 candys
4 felicity`s
pachirishu RH or none RH, it is almost the same, but I will prefer RH:p

Now that i can do. :D ill do a RH pachi for you to.
PM me if you want to finalize:)