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    Thank you!

Have: A lot. Want: In desperate need of Shaymin lv.x (Land form)...

RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

my computer too slow, and my friends arent reliable.....
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Find some way... ;)

I will hold my cards for you so you have time to find a computer with fast Internet ;).
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

CML for the following

Full Lugia
Upper part of Lugia
Full Ho-oh x2
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Full Ho-oh Legend

Shaymin sleeves
Mightyena PL
Unown Q MD
Nidoqueen RR
Garchomp C lv.x TIN

LMK :).
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

U must forgot that the (HGSS) legends are worth really nothing but $5 each over here sir so I an do that deal and besides the green shaymin sleeves were traded like 2 days ago, so is there anything else u may see on my thread.
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Full Ho-oh is going for 20$ at least on ebay ;).

Lugia Legend Upper part (10$)

Mightyena PL 1$
Unown Q MD 3$
Nidoqueen RR 2$
Garchomp C lv.x TIN 4$

LMK ;).
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...


2x Garchomp (SV)
2x Ninetailes (HGSS)
1x Blaziken FB X
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Blaziken FB lv.x
Garchomp SV

Revived legends deck box
Garchomp C lv.x tin
Nidoqueen RR
Unown Q MD

LMK ;).
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Blaziken FB lv.x
Ninetailes (HGSS)

Revived legends deck box
Unown Q MD

RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Sry but I can't do that. Please LMK are you interested in the previous offer.
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

Bump. Geo please reply me what do you think about the previous offer, and Wii man we can make smth out of that but first I want to see if Geo is still interested in the offer...

Btw bump now with new Shiny Shinx :).
RE: H: Lv.xs, Primes, Legends, Shinys, W: Your Stuff...

I didn't see anything particular. Guys, the biggest want now is Landmin lv.x :).
hey urm how about this

Shinx (shiny arceus(
Gliscor lv X

Vileplume (its not RH i dont know how you got that lol so if you dont want it now jsut say)
Garchomp C LV.x promo
Shaymin UL Holo

LMK or counter
How about this Vrapceboy

1x Shiny Shinx
1x Gliscor lv X
1x Sceptile AR (#30)

1x Vileplume (None RH)
2x Garchomp C LV.x promo
1x Shaymin UL Holo