glaceon said:My
2x FAs
Your Donphan Prime
mewyoshi said:can you cml for more?
123wert50 said:I know, but lmk or counter off my offer.
123wert50 said:-_-
In meh sig.
flea212 said:cml for 1 typhlosion prime (could be promo for lower)
flea212 said:well i know it's not on my list but, i could offer you a reshiram FA for 1 typhlosion prime (nonpromo) and 1 emboar ability. I looked it up and its a perfect deal. emboar being like 1.00 over the FA though. and if you don't want to trade the emboar ability, i need a ninetales.
123wert50 said:All of those were traded.
123wert50 said:Counter off that, please.
mewyoshi said:would you trade your charizard ex for my 1-1 rdl legend?