• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Have BCR and PS Want BCR and PS


Aspiring Trainer
Trading Rules

1. Standard pokebeach rules apply
2. Low rating sends first (I realize this will be me for almost all of you)
3. Cards must be in mint condition when trading. Mine are all guaranteed mint unless otherwise stated
4. Please do not try to rip me off and I will not rip you off
5. I trade with everyone but prefer to only do big trades outside of North America
6. I made it pretty clear what I am looking for and what I have available. Please make me an offer
7. I ship in penny sleeve, top loader sealed with masking tape in a bubble envelope. I would expect the same from my trading partner

I have the following for trade


1 Oddish x4 C
2 Gloom x2 U
4 Bellossom x2 R
5 Tangela x9 C
7 Scyther x8 C
8 Heracross Rev Holo x1 U
11 Snivy x8 C
12 Servine x1 U
14 Cottonee x2 C
15 Whimsicott x1 R
16 Petilil x4 U
17 Lilligant x1 R
18 Charmander x4 C
19 Charmeleon x6 U
21 Numel x3 C
22 Camerupt x2 (+1 Rev Holo) R
24 Tepig x6 C
25 Pignite x3 U
27 Darumaka x3 C
28 Darmanitan x3 (+1 Rev Holo) U
29 Squirtle x1 C
30 Wartortle x5 U
32 Psyduck x2 C
33 Psyduck x4 C
34 Golduck x2 U
36 Marill x3 C
38 Delibird x4 U
39 Oshawatt x9 C
40 Dewott x5 U
42 Ducklett x1 C
43 Swanna x4 U
44 Frillish x5 C
45 Jellicent x3 R
48 Keldeo x1 R
50 Pikachu x7 C
51 Voltorb x4 C
52 Electrode x4 U
53 Electabuzz x6 C
55 Chinchou x3 C
56 Blitzle x11 C
58 Wobbuffet x2 U
59 Spoink x6 C
60 Grumpig x1 R
61 Duskull x12 (+1 Rev Holo) C
62 Dusclops x5 U
64 Croagunk x5 C
65 Croagunk x1 U
66 Toxicroak x3 R
68 Munna x3 U
72 Woobat x6 C
71 Swoobat x3 R
72 Venipede x3 (+2 Rev Holo) C
73 Whirlipede x5 U
75 Gothita x3 C
76 Gothorita x6 U
79 Sandslash x4 U
80 Gligar x5 C
82 Makuhita x2 C
83 Trapinch x8 C
84 Dwebble x2 C
85 Crustle Holo Rare x1 R
86 Mienfoo x4 C
87 Mienfoo x1 U
90 Purrloin x7 C
92 Vullaby x1 C
93 Mandibuzz x2 U
95 Skarmory x5 U
96 Skarmory x1 U
97 Klink x2 U
98 Vibrava x3 U
101 Black Kyurem EX x1 R
102 White Kyurem x1 R
106 Meowth x2 C
107 Farfetch’d x2 U
109 Snorlax x4 U
110 Togepi x5 C
111 Dunsparce x5 C
112 Tailow x3 C
113 Skitty x1 C
114 Delcatty x4 U
115 Spinda x1 C
116 Buneary x5 C
117 Lopunny x5 U
118 Patrat x9 C
119 Watchog x3 U
120 Lillipup x4 C
121 Herdier x4 U
123 Pidove x9 C
124 Tranquill x4 U
125 Unfezant x1 R
127 Aspertia City Gym x5 U
128 Energy Search x11 C
129 Great Ball x4 U
130 Hugh x1 U
131 Poke Ball x8 C
132 Potion x6 C
133 Rocky Helmet x8 U
135 Switch x4 (+1 Rev Holo) C
136 Town Map x3 U


1 Turtwig x13 C
2 Grotle x6 (+1 Rev Holo) U
3 Torterra TP x1 R
4 Combee x13 C
5 Vespiquen x2 R
6 Cherubi x11 (+1 Rev Holo) C
7 Cherim x3 (+1 Rev Holo) R
8 Sewaddle x13 C
9 Swadloon x5 U
10 Leavanny x2 (+1 Rev Holo) R
11 Maractus x5 U
12 Foongus x13 (+2 Rev Holo) C
13 Amoongus TP x7 U
15 Chimchar x12 C
16 Monferno x6 U
17 Infernape TP Holo Rare x1 R
19 Pansear x14 C
20 Simisear x6 U
21 Litwick x12 C
22 Lampent x5 U
23 Heatmor x6 U
24 Squirtle x11 C
26 Swinub x13 C
27 Piloswine x9 U
28 Mamoswine x3 R
29 Lotad x12 C
30 Lombre x8 U
31 Ludicolo x2 R
32 Carvanha x12 (+1 Rev Holo) C
33 Sharpedo TP x2 R
34 Manaphy Holo Rare x1 R
35 Vanillite x13 C
36 Vanillish x5 U
37 Vanilluxe x3 R
38 Frillish x12 C
39 Jellicent TP x4 R
40 Cubchoo x12 (+1 Rev Holo) C
41 Beartic TP x2 R
42 Magnemite x12 C
43 Magnemite x13 C
44 Magneton x8 U
45 Magneton x5 U
47 Magnezone x3 R
49 Rotom TP x10 U
50 Joltik x13 C
51 Galvantula x4 U
52 Zubat x12 C
53 Zubat x12 C
54 Golbat x8 (=1 Rev Holo) U
55 Crobat TP Holo Rare x2 R
56 Koffing x13 (+1 Rev Holo) C
57 Koffing x4 U
59 Ralts x11 C
60 Kirlia x8 U
61 Gallade Holo Rare x1 R
62 Giratina TP x2 R
63 Trubbish x7 U
64 Trubbish x9 C
65 Trubbish x9 C
66 Garbodor TP Holo Rare x2 R
67 Garbodor TP x2 (+1 Rev Holo) R
68 Elgyem x13 (+1 Rev Holo) C
69 Elgyem x6 (+1 Rev Holo) U
70 Beheeyem TP x3 R
71 Phanpy x11 C
72 Donphan x6 (+1 Rev Holo) U
73 Lunatone x5 U
74 Solrock x5 U
75 Riolu x12 C
76 Riolu x12 C
77 Lucario x6 U
78 Lucario Holo Rare x2 R
79 Timburr x11 (+2 Rev Holo) C
80 Gurdurr x5 U
81 Conkeldurr x3 R
82 Purrloin x13 C
83 Purrloin x12 C
84 Liepard TP x2 R
85 Scraggy x13 C
86 Scrafty TP x3 R
88 Klink x12 (+1 Rev Holo) C
89 Klang x6 U
90 Klinklang TP Holo Rare x1 R
91 Durant TP x7 U
92 Durant TP x11 U
93 Skarmory TP x1 R
94 Druddigon TP x3 R
95 Black Kyurem EX x1 R
96 White Kyurem EX x2 R
97 Clefairy x12 C
98 Clefable x4 R
99 Doduo x13 (+1 Rev Holo) C
100 Dodrio x3 R
101 Snorlax TP x2 R
102 Togepi x13 (+1 Rev Holo) C
103 Togetic x5 U
104 Toegkiss Holo Rare x1 (+1 Rev Holo) R
105 Whismur x13 (+1 Rev Holo) C
106 Loudred x7 U
107 Exploud x3 R
109 Skitty x11 C
110 Patrat x13 (+1 Rev Holo) C
111 Patrat x12 C
112 Watchog TP x9 U
113 Watchog TP x2 (+1 Rev Holo) R
114 Bouffalant TP x2 R
115 Rufflet x13 (+2 Rev Holo) C
116 Braviary x2 (+1 Rev Holo) R
117 Bicycle x4 U
118 Colress TP x12 U
119 Colress Machine TP x12 U
120 Escape Rope x5 U
121 Ether x10 U
122 Eviolite x12 U
123 Hypnotoxic Laser TP x6 U
124 Plasma Frigate TP x13 U
125 Team Plasma Grunt TP x2 (+1 Rev Holo) U
126 Virbank City Gym x4 U
127 Plasma Energy TP x8 U
130 Victory Piece Ace Spec x1 R

22 PTCGO Plasma Storm Pack codes

Here is what I need


108 Lugia EX
132 Articuno EX Full Art
133 Cobalion EX Full Art
137 Blastoise Shiny
138 Random Receiver Shiny
RE: Trading Boundaries Crossed for Boundaries Crossed

Approved. Please make sure you have read the rules if you have not already done so.


RE: Trading Boundaries Crossed for Boundaries Crossed

I have Bianca FA and Cheren FA, I'm most interested in your Skyla FA and your White kyurem EX. I have RH potion and rocky helmet that aren't listed.
RE: Trading Boundaries Crossed for Boundaries Crossed

Please CML for the RHs. I'm interested in your FA supporters
RE: Trading Boundaries Crossed for Boundaries Crossed

The skyla is actually just the trainer card, not the full art. Other than that would you trade white kyurem ex for cheren FA?

anythingbutgrass said:
I have Bianca FA and Cheren FA, I'm most interested in your Skyla FA and your White kyurem EX. I have RH potion and rocky helmet that aren't listed.

I don't have any full art supporters....I need the Cheren and Bianca

Puckstopper20 said:
Please CML for the RHs. I'm interested in your FA supporters
RE: Need Boundaries Crossed Rev Holos

I have RH Croagunk, and Meloetta. Offer?
RE: Need Boundaries Crossed Rev Holos

Do you only have Boundries crossed for trade?
RE: Need Boundaries Crossed Rev Holos

maybe we can work out a trade

BINX wants
bc- ditto
bc- crustle
bc- rev musharna R
bc- rev dewott

BINX HAS (all bc)
rev farfetched
rev tepig
rev snivy
rev whirlipede
rev 64 croagunk
check my thread
RE: Need Boundaries Crossed Rev Holos

The dewott is pending in another trade so we'll take that out for now. How about this

G0SHARKSG0 trades
bc- ditto OR bc- crustle
bc- rev musharna R

BINX trades (all bc)
rev farfetched
rev tepig
rev snivy
rev whirlipede
rev 64 croagunk

if that works pm me to confirm. If not then counter with what you think would be fair although I believe this a fair offer

Binx345 said:
maybe we can work out a trade

BINX wants
bc- ditto
bc- crustle
bc- rev musharna R
bc- rev dewott

BINX HAS (all bc)
rev farfetched
rev tepig
rev snivy
rev whirlipede
rev 64 croagunk
check my thread
RE: Need Boundaries Crossed Rev Holos

That's all I really need right now from BC. Maybe later if you buy a Dragon Vault thing or something :)
RE: Need Boundaries Crossed Rev Holos

Alright well I am getting 2 boxes of Plasma Storm on Wednesday so any doubles from there will be for trade

MrGatr said:
That's all I really need right now from BC. Maybe later if you buy a Dragon Vault thing or something :)