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HAVE: complete set of DP in RH! 50+ Lv.X's, 40+ EX's WANT: Luxray X.

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4x Energy Gain PT
3x Power Spray PT
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy PT

I've got that from the SP Engine, along with a few SP Radar. I want:

Gardevoir LV.X
Tyranitar ex d DF
Salamence ex d DF
EspeonROX said:
4x Energy Gain PT
3x Power Spray PT
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy PT

I've got that from the SP Engine, along with a few SP Radar. I want:

Gardevoir LV.X
Tyranitar ex d DF
Salamence ex d DF

Sorry, I need poketurns most. *edits thread*
RE: HAVE: complete set of DP in RH! 50+ Lv.X's, All UL Legends

CommonCandy said:
Your: 1 of each you have Rotom card[Charons included]+2 Crobats Prime=45$ for
My: 2 victory medals+infernape 4=45$

TrollandToad.com and Ebay for value.

Your: PromoCroak+2 Gengar=20~23$
My: Raicui Suicune legand=20~25$

@the crippler18
Your: Drapion Lv.X+Gengar[curse]+2 Pichu[HGSS not RH]=11$
My: Delcatty EX[CG]+Shifty EX[CG]+Crawdaunt EX[HP]=12$

Your: Ursaring prime+Random Rare from MD on[If you acept don't tell me what it is.]=10$
My: 2 Gyrados[SF]+2Sablye[SF]=10$

@ Ash_Satoshi
Your: Dark Arceus=3$
My: Machamp [SF]=3$

@ every one
TrollandToad.com and Ebay for value.

@ every one else I either sent you a PM :) or did not see anything I liked sorry :(.

No no no, I'm not saying trade all three cards for those SP Trainers, but if you wanted to make an offer.

EDIT: I also like the Swampert ex from CG. Are your cards in perfect condition?
They are not perfect. Most have very tiny wighting on the edges from being stored in a deck box if there was no binder or sleve[until I had one to use] at the time I got them.
pokefan1234 said:
CML for:

x3 Spiritomb AR
x1 Gliscor X
x2 Gliscor LA
x3 Gligar LA


I can do all exsept the Spiritomb, sorry it's decked.

x1 Gliscor X
x2 Gliscor LA
x3 Gligar LA=12$


Blazekien FB lv.X=12$
CML for
2 Flareon [Delta Species]
Mew [HP]
Deoxys Deffense [Deoxys]
Salmence [Depxys]
Explound [CG]
Claydol [PK]
3 Flygon [PK]
Walrien [PK]
Metagross [PK]
2 Skarmory [PK]
Salamence [PK]
Absol [PK]
Shifty [PK]
Crawdaunt [HP]
Swapert [CG]
Groudon [CG]
Jirachi [CG]
Ferligatr [Unseen forces]
Zapdos [FRLG]
Moltres [FRLG]
Latios [DF]
Salamence [DF]
Gardevoir [DF]
Tyranitar [DF]
Articuno [Black star # 32]
Zapdos [Black star #33]
Moltres [Black star #31]
Well on the pokebeach price thread Blaze FB X goes for $16-$20 and the medium of those 2 numbers is $18, you are going to have to find something else for them ( I am looking for Uxies though too so if you have enough I will trade for Blaze :))
EspeonROX said:
What about your Dialga G LV.X? Or your Infernape 4 LV.X?

Sorry, they are only Near Mint. :(

Sure, do you want Leage promo, or from the pack.

I am going to look at the value's of the cards then get back to you. Ok?
CommonCandy said:
Do you have any cards from MD on?

I'm afraid I don't, those are all I have. I would be willing to trade all of my cards for a newer card set (only holos) since all of mine are holos as well. The only newer card I will have is a SW Blastoise and it's on its way to me as we speak.
bLAze187 said:
I'm afraid I don't, those are all I have. I would be willing to trade all of my cards for a newer card set (only holos) since all of mine are holos as well. The only newer card I will have is a SW Blastoise and it's on its way to me as we speak.

Sorry, I only trade for cards from MD on.

@ Steelix Kid
Looking into it.

@ Ace
Sorry you have nothing I want.
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