nothing seen, sorryPenguinlord1232 said:cml for Blaziken FB X
nothing seen1Pokemon_Master said:CML for
rayquazza C lv x x2
Absol G lv x x2
Charizard G lv x
Staraptor FB lv
electivire FB lv x
blaziken FB lv x
garchomp c lv x (jpn)
gallade 4 x
luxray Gl lv x
infernape 4 x x2 jpn
alakazam 4 x x2 1 jpn
i have 5-6 unknown Gp8ntchucker7 said:Do you have any Unown G? I might be getting an Absol GL X. Let me know, thanks!
Garchomp said:Can you CML for Blaziken FB Lv X and Luxray GL Lv X and their Pre Evos.
i have been offered lots of claydols for luxray x how many can u offer?YourP1MP said:CML for Luxray LvX, I have Claydols
i am looking for claydols for lux xstumpy271 said:Please CML for Lux X. I have Absol X and Blaze X.
nothing seen sorrybobsasuke said:cml for
rayquazza C lv x x2
Superwolfe said:I have been offered lots of claydols for luxray x how many can u offer?
I am looking for claydols for lux xstumpy271 said:Please CML for Lux X. I have Absol X and Blaze X.
nothing seen sorrybobsasuke said:cml for
rayquazza C lv x x2
YourP1MP said:I am looking for claydols for lux x
nothing seen sorrybobsasuke said:cml for
rayquazza C lv x x2
nothing seen sorryzephilim said:CML for Luxray X, 1 Uxie and 1 Claydol. Thanks!
vrapceboy said:CML for Luxray lv.x?
Claydols gone sorrySuperwolfe said:javascript:Thread.multiQuote(1243556);nothing seen sorry
nothing seen sorryzephilim said:CML for Luxray X, 1 Uxie and 1 Claydol. Thanks!
dont try to rip me, i want youre mewtwo x but if u try to rip me off again then i will ignore you or ask you to leavebbdrill said:my
mewtwo x
luxray GL x
vrapceboy said:Claydols gone sorrySuperwolfe said:javascript:Thread.multiQuote(1243556);nothing seen sorry
nothing seen sorryzephilim said:CML for Luxray X, 1 Uxie and 1 Claydol. Thanks!