Wi-Fi Trades have legit TRU shaymins 2 dif. natures.

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My Gallade 475, Electivire 466, Mamoswine 473, Dusknoir 477, Ampharos 181, Pidgeot 18 *Hacked, Magnemite 81, Dewgong 87, Voltorb 100, Exeggutor 103, Omanyte 138, Aerodactyl 142, Dragonite 149, Ledian 166, Bellosom 182, Politoed 186, 270 Lotad, Taillow 276, Ralts 280, Slakoth 287, Whismer 293, Aron 304, Electrike 309, Plusle 311, Wailord 321, Torkoal 324, Anorith 347, Relicanth 369, Luvdisc 370, 468 Togekiss, and Mamoswine 473.

Your Suicune, Latios, Latios, Jirachi, Charmander, and Regis. I am perfectly fine with clones. Counter if you wish.
Dragonite Forever said:
My Gallade 475, Electivire 466, Mamoswine 473, Dusknoir 477, Ampharos 181, Pidgeot 18 *Hacked, Magnemite 81, Dewgong 87, Voltorb 100, Exeggutor 103, Omanyte 138, Aerodactyl 142, Dragonite 149, Ledian 166, Bellosom 182, Politoed 186, 270 Lotad, Taillow 276, Ralts 280, Slakoth 287, Whismer 293, Aron 304, Electrike 309, Plusle 311, Wailord 321, Torkoal 324, Anorith 347, Relicanth 369, Luvdisc 370, 468 Togekiss, and Mamoswine 473.

Your Suicune, Latios, Latios, Jirachi, Charmander, and Regis. I am perfectly fine with clones. Counter if you wish.
cant tonight can tomorow
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