Have religious people officially gone too far?


Do you loooooves me? <3
http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/pokemon5-99.html I remember a while ago how I was ready the evil pokemon link in the Amazing Threads thread. (I did leave comments) I pretty much became bored a while ago and started to research this "Anti-Pokemon" movement, happening between 1999 and 2000. All I have to say is that people like the person Krucifer described a while ago is how I would describe these people. Sadly, in the religious world, there are two extremes, Super Religious and Super Video Game. They do not want to sin, so what do they do? They blame popular video games. Please leave your comments here.
EDIT: I placed the wrong link, hold on.
EDIT2: Fixed!
this is the most moronic and generalized and irrelevant to the topic thread title i have ever seen

Didn't even bother to read it. Of course this is going too far, but you forget that the number of Christians who oppose Pokemon are a small minority. Now watch as many religious people who play Pokemon below me come and post below.
You realize that the article is 11 years old?

Heck, I'm religious and I play pokemon. People who are like that are nuts. Please ignore them. I don't even consider them religious, I just think they're crazy.
I know it was old, I was just not old enough to know what the series was at the time. All I did was take the time to do some research on the topic, as I wanted to see how prejudice some people could be.
DarthPika said:
You realize that the article is 11 years old?

Heck, I'm religious and I play pokemon. People who are like that are nuts. Please ignore them. I don't even consider them religious, I just think they're crazy.
I'm not MAJORLY religious, but it's how I've grown up and this so called "witchcraft" that pokemon is fits into my life perfectly :3
This is one of those funny things that when actually thought about is irrelevant. There are extremists of every religion, culture, clique, and social group. Obviously, this is one of them. This kind of nonsense may be true for one in a million children (one with extreme problems I suppose) but parents make this stuff out of paranoia. I suppose it's for a good cause, as they are just doing what they think it's best for their children. They certainly didn't think very hard when analyzing pokemon, but as I said, this kind of stuff always happens.
"It seemed to us that these cards had some sort of power," continued DiAnna Brannan. "Another nine-year-boy had stolen money from his mother's purse ($7.00) to buy more cards. When questioned, he confessed and said he had heard the devil urging him to do it. The family quickly gathered in prayer, then saw God's answer. Both the boy and his little sister burned their cards, warned their friends, and discovered the joy and freedom that only comes from following their Shepherd.
I rest my case.
Zyflair said:
"It seemed to us that these cards had some sort of power," continued DiAnna Brannan. "Another nine-year-boy had stolen money from his mother's purse ($7.00) to buy more cards. When questioned, he confessed and said he had heard the devil urging him to do it. The family quickly gathered in prayer, then saw God's answer. Both the boy and his little sister burned their cards, warned their friends, and discovered the joy and freedom that only comes from following their Shepherd.
I rest my case.

Kay, but these people are, like was previously said, a small minority. Heck, my youth pastor and I play YuGiOh sometimes before church!
Let's face it, it was not a small amount of kids that were like that though. Tons of kids were total nut jobs. But the fact that those kids were like that had nothing to do with Pokemon as we all know. People can become obsessed with anything. The same people that say Pokemon is demonic are the same people that tell Christians they have to go to Church every Sunday, they can't be friends or be around Atheists, they have to read the bible everyday, they have to do community service, everyone else who believes in another religion is an idiot and the list goes on and on. I am Christian. I pray every night. I take Christian world view classes at school. I suppose a lot of things considered religous i do. But guess what? I have not been to church in three[u/] years. Can you guess why? For no other reason than because i don't want to go. It doesn't say in the bible you have to go to church every sunday. That assumption that you do was created by the same type of person who wrote the article about Pokemon being evil. Im good friends with an extremely outspoken Atheist. Even though he is older than me we used to have long conversations about movies, food, anime just about anything really. I never once felt like a "sinner" or like i was doing something wrong. I used to seriously look forward to when we could hang out. He was extremely outspoken about his position with what he believes though. He often told me and my family members that we were crazy for believing in something like God or Jesus. Me and family were good enough friends to know that he wasn't being hateful towards us, he was teasing and that was that. In fact i saw him about three weeks back (sadly he got layed off from his job so he has been extremely busy). I rarely read the bible, maybe twice a weak at the most. I have never done community service either. Something a lot of people fail to understand is that not all Christians are the same. My best friends and my best friends friends don't believe stuff like that and neither do I. So i would appreciate it you guys would stop assuming every person who believes in God believes in the linked garbage.
Before they make an article on a website maybe they should re-read it and make sure they know how stupid they are making themselves look.

Of course they are taking it too far.
Dark Marc said:
Before they make an article on a website maybe they should re-read it and make sure they know how stupid they are making themselves look.

Of course they are taking it too far.

But they don't think they are making themselves look stupid. They think they are right and everyone else will see the truth.
Speaking of religious people going to far...
(This has NOTHING to do with Pokémon btw):
Picture from the website:
Okay this is really just sad and these people need to be helped ALOT first off people might jump on me for saying this butttt...

When kids watch the PKM show they all of a sudden start acting dumb why is this?

Answer the kids are kids have you ever seen a kid pretend to be a IDK train or firemen because they think that it is cool well o my gosh they are acting like that kill every thing to do with that welll... No you have not is that not bad and stupid yes it is really stupid.

I have seen people at tournements like a little kid say I think that I am so good when they are not. Sad to say but kids under 10 don't have commen sense becasue they are not old enough to understand it.

I am belive in God so that means I have a bad person for playing no. Do people at my church think Pokemon is stupid sometimes but sometimes they just ignore it. When I see someone miss a meeting becasue of a sport do I jump on them no are they evil for doing that no that is there choice and let them do.

I am not the one to judge.

I hope this makes sense but
