• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Have: Staples and More!! Want: Video Games and Systems

RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Re-Debut Trading Thread!!

We're doing this, for records.

2x E-Belt PA

2x Garchomp C SV
2x Judge UL
2x Cyrus's Initiative SV
1x Nidoran F RR
1x Honchkrow G PT
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! Looking for Japanese Cards [MD-On]

Which Japanese modified cards are you looking for?
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! Looking for Japanese Cards [MD-On]

I just wanna make a Japanese Deck do you have stuff MD-On??
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! Looking for Japanese Cards [MD-On]

Yes I do have a few MD and on.
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! Looking for Japanese Cards [MD-On]

I should write up a decklist first...

What are "GOODS" cards anyways??

I'm interested in your Darkrai Deckbox...
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! [Have Toxicroak DP41 for Trade!!]

For the public to see:

3x Poke Turn [1x Played]
1x Judge
1x Toxicroak G [DP41]

1x Entei/Raikou Legend Full
2x Dragonite Line [Lost Link]
1x Flower Shop Lady
1x Twins
1x Water Energy [Holon Phantoms]
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!! Looking for Japanese Cards [MD-On]

nerdstar_ink said:
I should write up a decklist first...

What are "GOODS" cards anyways??

I'm interested in your Darkrai Deckbox...

Goods are a different category of trainers and are more specified than what we have. Anyways, let me know what cards you want and I'll go look through for them.
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!!

I feel like it's really heavy in your favor.

3x Poke Turn [1x Played]
1x Judge
1x Toxicroak G [DP41]

1x Entei/Raikou Legend Full
1x Dragonite Line [Lost Link]
1x Flower Shop Lady
1x Twins

Could you at least add in:
1x Water Energy [Holon Phantoms]
another Dragonite Line??

RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!!

For public records

2x Garchomp C Lv.X [145/147]
1x Honchkrow [29/147]
2x Sableye [48/100]
Xx Goodies!!

for: Azelf Master
1x Jirachi [RR][7/111]
1x Metagross [SV][7/147]
1x Broken Time-Space [PL][104/127]
1x-2x-1x Garchomp [SV][5/147]
3x Blastiose [UL][13/95]

3x E Gain [Mint]
1x Crobat G [Mint]
2x Blaziken FB

For: Kwiksilver T
Blastoise [UL]
Metagross [SV]
Jumpluff [HGSS]

2x Staraptor FB
1x Absol G [RH]
4x Poke Drawer +
Xx Goodies!!

For: raw19
Dark Dragonair
Light Dragonair
VS Seeker [If it's from SV]
Warp Point [If it's from MD]
Dewgong [SV]
Seel [SV]
Froslass [AR]
Glalie [AR]
Marley's Request
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!!

How´s trade like this???

Feraligatr Prime (HeartGold&SoulSilver)

For your:
Sableye [48/100] Stormfront
Sableye [48/100] Stormfront
Crobat G [47/127][Played] Platinum
TGI Energy Gain [116/127][Played] Platinum
TGI Power Spray [117/127][Played] Platinum
TGI Power Spray [117/127] Platinum
TGI Power Spray [117/127] Platinum

What you think???
RE: Nerdstar_Ink's Trading Thread!!

Hey did you ever figure out which cards you wanted?