lucario_revenge said:hi this is my offer
kingdra holo
tm claydol holo
gardevoir jap.holo(dp4)
deoxys atk (hp)
machamp holo powerkeepers
3 froslass
2 kingdra
.chanman45 said:I want:
x1 Electivire LV X (MT)
x1 Tropical Wind (DP05) English
CML for suff you want
AnthonyG said:Here is just a rough list of the cards I found:
Both Gym Sets (JPN):
60 Rares/(un)commons/Trainers
5 Holos which include Erica's Vileplume, 2x Giovanni's Machamp, Giovanni's Persian, and Brock's Ninetails
Team Rocket (JPN):
27 Rares/(un)common/Trainers
5 Holos which include 2x Dark Dugtrio, Dark Goldbat, Dark Gyrados, Dark Weezing
Neo Gen. (Basicly Neo 1, JPN):
15 Rares/(un)commons/Trainers
3 Holos which include Steelix, Meganium, Slowking
Neo Discovery (I think its that set but, I am not sure I need to double check on this one)
10 (Un)commons
1 Holo Poliwrath
Jungle Set (JPN):
1 Common which is Oddish
3 Holos which include Vileplume, Flareon, Pinser
Fossil (JPN):
2 Commons which are Omnayte, and Energy Search (I think)
Base Set (JPN):
1 Holo which is Chansey
LMK what you are interested in. Thanks
AnthonyG said:Does that $50 include shipping?
Lilbandit said:Hi, here's a list of all the japanese cards I would like to get rid of. Please let me know which ones yyou need and hopefully we'll work out a trade!
2x Bulbasaur (Base)
Erika's Bulbasaur (Gym Challenge)
Erika's Ivysaur (Gym Challenge)
Charmander (Base)
6x Charmander (Team Rocket)
Blaine's Charmander (Gym Heroes)
Charmeleon (Base)
2x Dark Charmeleon (Team Rocket)
Blaine's Charmeleon (Gym Challenge)
Squirtle (Base)
2x Squirtle (Team Rocket)
Wartortle (Base)
5x Dark Wartortle (Team Rocket)
2x Caterpie (Base)
4x Metapod (Base)
Butterfree (Jungle)
Weedle (Base)
2x Koga's Weedle (Gym Challenge)
Weedle (Neo Discovery)
2x Kakuna (Base)
Koga's Kakuna (Gym Challenge)
Koga's Beedrill (Gym Challenge)
Pidgey (Base)
Koga's Pidgey (Gym Challenge) COMMON
Koga's Pidgey (Gym Challenge) UNCOMMON
Koga's Pidgeotto (Gym Challenge)
Pidgeot (Jungle) HOLO
2x Rattata (Base)
4x Rattata (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Rattata (Gym Challenge)
4x Dark Raticate (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Raticate (Gym Challenge)
3x Spearow (Jungle)
Lt. Surge's Spearow (Gym Heroes)
Lt. Surge's Fearow (Gym Heroes)
12x Ekans (Fossil)
6x Ekans (Team Rocket)
Koga's Ekans (Gym Challenge)
4x Arbok (Fossil)
Dark Arbok (Team Rocket) HOLO
3x Pikachu (Base)
3x Pikachu (Jungle)
Lt. Surge's Pikachu (Gym Challenge)
Raichu (Fossil ) HOLO
Brock's Sandshrew (Gym Heroes)
5x Sandslash (Fossil)
Brock's Sandslash (Gym Challenge)
3x Nidoran [female] (Jungle)
Giovanni's Nidoran [female] (Gym Challenge)
Nidorina (Jungle)
Giovanni's Nidorina (Gym Challenge)
2x Nidoqueen (Jungle) HOLO
Giovanni's Nidoqueen (Gym Challenge)
Nidoran [male] (Base)
Giovanni's Nidoran [male] (Gym Challenge)
Nidorino (Base)
Giovanni's Nidorino (Gym Challenge)
Nidoking (Base)
Giovanni's Nidoking (Gym Challenge)
Erika's Clefairy (Gym Challenge)
Clefairy (Neo Genesis)
Clefable (Jungle) HOLO
Erika's Clefable (Gym Heroes)
Vulpix (Base)
Blaine's Vulpix (Gym Heroes)
Brock's Vulpix (Gym Heroes)
Brock's Vulpix (Gym Challenge)
Ninetales (Base)
Brock's Ninetales (Gym Challenge)
4x Jigglypuff (Jungle)
Erika's Jigglypuff (Gym Challenge)
9x Zubat (Fossil)
3x Zubat (Team Rocket)
Brock's Zubat (Gym Heroes)
Koga's Zubat (Gym Challenge)
4x Golbat (Fossil)
Dark Golbat (Team Rocket) HOLO
Koga's Golbat (Gym Challenge)
Brock's Golbat (Gym Heroes)
4x Oddish (Jungle)
7x Oddish (Team Rocket)
Erika's Oddish (Gym Heroes)
Erika's Oddish (Gym Challenge)
Oddish (Neo Genesis)
Gloom (Jungle)
10x Dark Gloom (Team Rocket)
Erika's Gloom (Gym Heroes)
Gloom (Neo Genesis)
Vileplume (Jungle) HOLO
2x Dark Vileplume (Team Rocket) HOLO
Erika's Vileplume (Gym Heroes)
Paras (Jungle)
Erika's Paras (Gym Challenge)
3x Venonat (Jungle)
Sabrina's Venonat (Gym Heroes)
Sabrina's Venomoth (Gym Heroes)
Venomoth (unknown set, pokeball symbol)
Diglett (Base)
8x Diglett (Team Rocket)
Brock's Diglett (Gym Challenge)
Dark Dugtrio (Team Rocket) HOLO
Brock's Dugtrio (Gym Challenge)
6x Meowth (Jungle)
6x Meowth (Team Rocket)
Giovanni's Meowth (Gym Challenge) COMMON
Giovanni's Mewoth (Gym Challenge) UNCOMMON
3x Persian (Jungle)
4x Dark Persian (Team Rocket)
Giovanni's Persian (Gym Challenge)
5x Psyduck (Fossil)
3x Psyduck (Team Rocket)
Sabrina's Psyduck (Gym Challenge)
2x Misty's Psyduck (Gym Challenge)
3x Golduck (Fossil)
6x Dark Golduck (Team Rocket)
2x Sabrina's Golduck (Gym Challenge)
Misty's Golduck (Gym Challenge)
3x Mankey (Jungle)
4x Mankey (Team Rocket)
Brock's Mankey (Gym Heroes)
Blaine's Mankey (Gym Challenge)
2x Primeape (Jungle)
6x Dark Primeape (Team Rocket)
Brock's Primeape (Gym Challenge)
2x Growlithe (Base)
Blaine's Growlithe (Gym Heroes)
2x Arcanine (Base)
2x Poliwag (Base)
Misty's Poliwag (Gym Challenge)
Poliwhirl (Base)
Misty's Poliwhirl (Gym Heroes)
Poliwrath (Base)
Misty's Poliwrath (Gym Heroes)
Abra (Base)
10x Abra (Team Rocket)
Sabrina's Abra (Gym Heroes)
Kadabra (Base)
8x Dark Kadabra (Team Rocket)
Sabrina's Kadabra (Gym Challenge)
Alakazam (Base)
Dark Alakazam (Team Rocket) HOLO
3x Machop (Base)
12x Machop (Team Rocket)
Giovanni's Machop (Gym Challenge)
2x Dark Machoke (Team Rocket)
Giovanni's Machoke (Gym Challenge)
Machamp (Base)
Dark Machamp (Team Rocket) HOLO
5x Bellsprout (Jungle)
Erika's Bellsprout (Gym Challenge)
Weepinbell (Jungle)
Erika's Weepinbell (Gym Heroes)
Victreebel (Jungle) HOLO
Erika's Victreebel (Gym Heroes)
8x Tentacool (Fossil)
3x Tentacruel (Fossil)
Misty's Tentacruel (Gym Heroes)
12x Geodude (Fossil)
Brock's Geodude (Gym Heroes)
Brock's Geodude (Gym Challenge)
5x Graveler (Fossil)
Brock's Graveler (Gym Challenge)
Graveler (unknown set, pokeball symbol)
2x Golem (Fossil)
Brock's Golem (Gym Heroes)
2x Ponyta (Base)
5x Ponyta (Team Rocket)
Blaine's Ponyta (Gym Heroes)
Blaine's Ponyta (Gym Challenge)
2x Rapidash (Jungle)
7x Dark Rapidash (Team Rocket)
Blaine's Rapidash (Gym Challenge)
15x Slowpoke (Fossil)
3x Slowpoke (Team Rocket)
4x Slowbro (Fossil)
Dark Slobrow (Team Rocket) HOLO
3x Magnemite (Base)
10x Magnemite (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Magnemite (Gym Heroes) UNCOMMON
Lt. Surge's Magnemite (Gym Heroes) COMMON
Magneton (Base)
2x Magneton (Fossil) HOLO
Dark Magneton (Team Rocket)
Farfetch'd (Base)
Doduo (Base)
Blaine's Doduo (Gym CHallenge)
2x Dodrio (Jungle)
Seel (Base)
Misty's Seel (Gym Challenge)
Dewgong (Base)
Misty's Dewgong (Gym Challenge)
6x Grimer (Fossil)
5x Grimer (Team Rocket)
Koga's Grimer (Gym Challenge)
Muk (Fossil) HOLO
7x Dark Muk (Team Rocket)
Koga's Muk (Gym Challenge)
4x Shellder (Fossil)
3x Cloyster (Fossil)
3x Gastly (Base)
2x Gastly (Fossil)
Sabrina's Gastly (Gym Challenge)
Sabrina's Haunter (Gym Heroes)
Haunter (Fossil) HOLO
Gengar (Fossil) HOLO
Brock's Onix (Gym Heroes)
Onix (unknown set, pokeball symbol)
2x Drowzee (Base)
7x Drowzee (Team Rocket)
Sabrina's Drowzee (Gym Heroes)
Hypno (Fossil) HOLO
Dark Hypno (Team Rocket) HOLO
Sabrina's Hypno (Gym Challenge)
9x Krabby (Fossil)
3x Kingler (Fossil)
4x Voltorb (Team Rocket)
Electrode (Jungle) HOLO
8x Dark Electrode (Team Rocket)
Exeggcute (Jungle)
2x Erika's Exeggcute (Gym Heroes)
Erika's Exeggutor (Gym Heroes)
3x Cubone (Jungle)
2x Marowak (Jungle)
2x Hitmonlee (Fossil) HOLO
Hitmonlee (unknown set, pokeball symbol)
Rocket's Hitmonchan (Gym Heroes)
3x Lickitung (Jungle)
Brock's Lickitung (Gym Heroes)
Koffing (Base)
8x Koffing (Team Rocket)
Koga's Koffing (Gym Challenge) COMMON
Koga's Koffing (Gym Challenge) UNCOMMON
3x Weezing (Fossil)
Dark Weezing (Team Rocket) HOLO
Koga's Weezing (Gym Challenge)
4x Rhyhorn (Jungle)
Blaine's Rhyhorn (Gym Challenge)
Brock's Rhyhorn (Gym Heroes)
2x Tangela (Base)
Koga's Tangela (Gym Challenge)
Erika's Tamgela (Gym Heroes)
Kangaskhan (Jungle) HOLO
Blaine's Kangaskhan (Gym Heroes)
7x Horsea (Fossil)
Misty's Horsea (Gym Heroes)
4x Seadra (Fossil)
Misty's Seadra (Gym Heroes)
Seadra (Neo Genesis)
2x Goldeen (Jungle)
Misty's Goldeen (Gym Heroes)
Seaking (Jungle)
2x Staryu (Base)
2x Misty's Staryu (Gym Challenge)
3x Starmie (Base)
Mr. Mime (Jungle) HOLO
Sabrina's Mr. Mime (Gym Heroes)
Sabrina's Mr. Mime (Gym Challenge)
Scyther (Jungle) HOLO
Jynx (Base)
Sabrina's Jynx (Gym Challenge)
2x Magmar (Fossil)
2x Blaine's Magamr (Gym Heroes)
Pinsir (Jungle) HOLO
Giovanni's Pinsir (Gym Challenge)
Tauros (Jungle)
2x Blaine's Tauros (Gym Heroes)
Magikarp (Base)
10x Magikarp (Team Rocket)
Giovanni's Magikarp (Gym Challenge)
Misty's Magikarp (Gym Challenge)
Dark Gyarados (Team Rocket) HOLO
Misty's Gyarados (Gym Challenge)
Lapras (Fossil) HOLO
Lapras (unknown set, pokeball symbol)
Ditto (Fossil) HOLO
Eevee (Jungle)
2x Eevee (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Eevee (Gym Challenge)
7x Dark Vaporeon (Team Rocket)
Jolteon (Jungle) HOLO
4x Dark Jolteon (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Jolteon (Gym Challenge)
5x Dark Flareon (Team Rocket)
Porygon (Base)
4x Porygon (Team Rocket)
Sabrina's Porygon (Gym Challenge)
4x Omanyte (Fosil)
2x Omastar (Fossil)
12x Kabuto (Fossil)
Kabutops (Fossil) HOLO
Aerodactyl (Fossil) HOLO
Rocket's Snorlax (Gym Heroes)
Articuno (Fossil) HOLO
2x Zapdos (Fossil) HOLO
Blaine's MOltres (Gym Heroes)
Dratini (Base)
6x Dratini (Team Rocket)
Erika's Dratini (Gym Heroes)
Dark Dratini (Team Rocket)
Erika's Dragonair (Gym Heroes)
Dark Dragonite (Team Rocket) HOLO
Mew (Fossil) HOLO
Chikorita (Neo Genesis)
Bayleef (Neo Genesis)
Meganium (Neo Genesis) #10/111
Meganium (Neo Genesis) #11/111
Cyndaquil (Neo Genesis)
Quilava (Neo Genesis)
Typhlosion (Neo Genesis) #17/111
Typhlosion (Neo Genesis) #18/111
Totodile (Neo Genesis)
Croconaw (Neo Geneis)
Feraligatr (Neo Genesis) #4/111
Feraligatr (Neo Genesis) #5/111
Sentret (Neo Discovery)
Spinarak (Neo Genesis)
Spinarak (Neo Discovery)
Chinchou (Neo Genesis)
Pichu (Neo Genesis)
Cleffa (Neo Genesis) #20/111
Cleffa (Neo Genesis) (english version is american promo)
Togetic (Neo Genesis)
Ampharos (Neo Genesis)
Marill (Neo Genesis)
Azumarill (Neo Genesis)
Hoppip (Neo Discovery)
Skiploom (Neo Genesis)
Slowking (Neo Genesis)
Forretress (Neo Discovery) HOLO
Steelix (Neo Genesis)
Shuckle (Neo Genesis)
Heracross (Neo Genesis)
Sneasel (Neo Genesis)
Piloswine (Neo Genesis)
Skarmory (Neo Genesis)
Houndoom (Neo Discovery) HOLO
Dark Donphan (Neo Destiny)
Elekid (Neo Genesis)
Raikou (Neo Revelation)
Tyrannitar (Neo Discovery) HOLO
Imposter Professor Oak
2x Energy Removal
3x Maintenance
Full Heal
Poke Center
2x Plus Power
Energy Retrieval
2x Gust of Wind
2x Switch
2x Mr. Fuji
9x Mysterious Fossil
11x Energy Search
9x Recycle
12x Gambler
3x Pokeball
Here Comes Team Rocket HOLO
Rocket's Sneak Attack HOLO
11x The Boss's Way
3x Imposter Oak's Revenge
12x Challenge!
9x Goop Gas Attack
7x Nightly Garbage Run
6x Digger
9x Sleep!
Blaine HOLO
Giovanni HOLO
2x Brock
Lt. Surge
Giovanni's Last Resort
Misty's Wish
Brock's Protection
Lt. Surge's Secret Plan
Secret Mission
Blaine's Quiz #3
Sabrina's ESP
Lt. Surge's Treaty
Sabrina's Psychic Control
Brock's Training Method
Rocket's Minefield Gym
Warp Point
Vermillion City Gym
Blaine's Last Resort
Rayquaza808 said:AnthonyG said:Does that $50 include shipping?
yes it does include shipping
AnthonyG said:Rayquaza808 said:AnthonyG said:Does that $50 include shipping?
yes it does include shipping
I am going to have to check how much it is going to cost to ship that amount of cards. If I think it is fair I will do it, but if it cost me a bit more than I anticipate would you be willing to add in more $$? LMK Thanks.
Lilbandit said:sure, no problem. I also have a few energies like potion energy,, full heal energy, rainbow energy, recycle energy. Also would you like to trade by price or just rare for rare, common for common etc?
AnthonyG said:$10 should work, I think it might go a litte over but its ok, I should be able to get it for about $10. So the total is $60.
PM me to finalize the deal. Thanks
Lilbandit said:Okay, here's my offer:
dp2: Holos Cards
x1 Honchkrow
dp3: Holos Cards
x1 lickilicky
x2 charizard
x1 flygon
x1 salamence
x1 entei
x1 roserade
dp4: Holos Cards
x5 Darkrai lv 38 (#3)
x4 Darkrai lv 40 (#4)
x2 Blaziken
x3 Swampert
x7 Cresselia
x1 Pachirisu
x1 Porygon-Z
x2 Tangrowth
x2 Rotom
x1 Togekiss
dp3: Rev. Holo Cards
x1 Lugia
x1 magmortar
x1 venusuar
x1 blastoise
x1 minun
x1 dugtrio
x1 salamence
dp2: Rev. Holo Cards:
x1 Feraligtr
CG: Rev. Holo Cards
x1 Seedot
x1 Whismur
x1 Duskull
x1 diglett
x1 ENERGY: (delta) Rainbow Energy
Ditto (Fossil) HOLO
Koga's Beedrill (Gym Challenge)
hitmonlee (Fossil)
Kangaskhan (Jungle) HOLO
Mr. Mime (Jungle) HOLO
Misty's Seadra (Gym Heroes)
Scyther (Jungle) HOLO
Pidgeot (Jungle) HOLO
Rocket's Hitmonchan (Gym HEroes)
Dark Weezing (Team Rocket) HOLO
Lt. Surge's Fearow (Gym Heroes)
Dark Arbok (Team Rocket) HOLO
Raichu (Fossil ) HOLO
Nidoqueen (Jungle) HOLO
Nidoking (Base)
Giovanni's Nidoking (Gym Challenge)
Clefable (Jungle) HOLO
Erika's Clefable (Gym Heroes)
Ninetales (Base)
Brock's Ninetales (Gym Challenge)
Dark Golbat (Team Rocket) HOLO
Vileplume (Jungle) HOLO
Dark Vileplume (Team Rocket) HOLO
Erika's Vileplume (Gym Heroes)
Dark Dugtrio (Team Rocket) HOLO
Giovanni's Persian (Gym Challenge)
Misty's Golduck (Gym Challenge)
Poliwrath (Base)
Misty's Poliwrath (Gym Heroes)
Alakazam (Base)
Dark Alakazam (Team Rocket) HOLO
Machamp (Base)
Dark Machamp (Team Rocket) HOLO
Victreebel (Jungle) HOLO
Misty's Tentacruel (Gym Heroes)
Dark Slobrow (Team Rocket) HOLO
Magneton (Base)
Magneton (Fossil) HOLO
Dark Magneton (Team Rocket)
Muk (Fossil) HOLO
Haunter (Fossil) HOLO
Hypno (Fossil) HOLO
Dark Hypno (Team Rocket) HOLO
Gengar (Fossil) HOLO
Electrode (Jungle) HOLO
These ones, I've matched 2x of my uncommons/common/rare for 1x of your RH common/uncommon/rare
dp4: Rev. Holo Cards:
x1 wingull
x2 arbok
x1 Grovyle
x1 zigzagoon
x1 combusken
x1 torchic
x1 unown F
x2 Volbeat
x3 Magcargo
x1 weedle
x2 cacnea
x1 baltoy
x1 slugma
x1 houndour
x1 lunatone
x2 leftovers
x1 rotom
x1 makuhita
x2 pelipper
x2 togepi
x1 luvdisc
x2 kingler
x2 Pachirisu
x1 Togekiss
x2 huntail
x1 Swampert
x2 blaziken
x1 Latias
x1 Houndoom
x1 purugly
x1 unown L
x2 unown H
x1 unown F
x1 altaria
x1 milotic
x1 premier ball
dp3: Rev. Holo Cards:
x1 lickitung
x1 mareep
x1 shroomish
x1 nidoran m
x1 trapinch
x1 Donphan
X1 Corsola
x1 TRAINER: PlusPower
x1 TRAINER: Team Galactic's Mars
x1 TRAINER: Potion
dp2: Rev. Holo Cards:
x1 Lairon
x1 Vulpix
x1 Remoraid
x1 seel
x1 Dewgong
x1 Magmar
CG: Rev. Holo Cards
x1 Seedot
x1 Whismur
x1 Duskull
x1 diglett
Bulbasaur (Base)
Erika's Bulbasaur (Gym Challenge)
Erika's Ivysaur (Gym Challenge)
Charmander (Base)
Charmander (Team Rocket)
Blaine's Charmander (Gym Heroes)
Charmeleon (Base)
Dark Charmeleon (Team Rocket)
Blaine's Charmeleon (Gym Challenge)
Squirtle (Base)
Squirtle (Team Rocket)
Wartortle (Base)
Dark Wartortle (Team Rocket)
Caterpie (Base)
Metapod (Base)
Butterfree (Jungle)
Weedle (Base)
Koga's Weedle (Gym Challenge)
Weedle (Neo Discovery)
Kakuna (Base)
Koga's Kakuna (Gym Challenge)
Pidgey (Base)
Koga's Pidgey (Gym Challenge) COMMON
Koga's Pidgey (Gym Challenge) UNCOMMON
Koga's Pidgeotto (Gym Challenge)
Rattata (Base)
Rattata (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Rattata (Gym Challenge)
Dark Raticate (Team Rocket)
Lt. Surge's Raticate (Gym Challenge)
Spearow (Jungle)
Lt. Surge's Spearow (Gym Heroes)
Ekans (Fossil)
Ekans (Team Rocket)
Koga's Ekans (Gym Challenge)
Arbok (Fossil)
Pikachu (Base)
Pikachu (Jungle)
Lt. Surge's Pikachu (Gym Challenge)
Brock's Sandshrew (Gym Heroes)
Sandslash (Fossil)
Brock's Sandslash (Gym Challenge)
Nidoran [female] (Jungle)
Giovanni's Nidoran [female] (Gym Challenge)
Nidorina (Jungle)
Giovanni's Nidorina (Gym Challenge)
Giovanni's Nidoqueen (Gym Challenge)
Nidoran [male] (Base)
Giovanni's Nidoran [male] (Gym Challenge)
Nidorino (Base)
Giovanni's Nidorino (Gym Challenge)
Erika's Clefairy (Gym Challenge)
Clefairy (Neo Genesis)
Vulpix (Base)
Blaine's Vulpix (Gym Heroes)
Brock's Vulpix (Gym Heroes)
Sabrina's Venomoth (Gym Heroes)
Brock's Dugtrio (Gym Challenge)
Sabrina's Golduck (Gym Challenge)
Erika's Victreebel (Gym Heroes)
Brock's Golem (Gym Heroes)
Koga's Muk (Gym Challenge)
Electabuzz (Base)
Giovanni's Pinsir (Gym Challenge)
Rocket's Snorlax (Gym Heroes)
Cleffa (Neo Genesis) #20/111
Brock's Vulpix (Gym Challenge)
Golbat (Fossil)
Koga's Golbat (Gym Challenge)
Gloom (Jungle)
Elekid (Neo Genesis)
Raikou (Neo Revelation)
Imposter Professor Oak (Base)
Brock (gym)
Blaine (gym)
Koga (gym)
Misty (gym)
sabrina (gym)
Lt Surge (gym)
Giovanni's Last Resort (gym)
Dark Gloom (Team Rocket)
Erika's Gloom (Gym Heroes)
Jigglypuff (Jungle)
Erika's Jigglypuff (Gym Challenge)
Brock's Protection (gym)
Lt. Surge's secret plan (gym)
no removal gym (gym)
chaos gym (gym)
Gloom (Neo Genesis)
Giovanni's Mewoth (Gym Challenge) UNCOMMON
ecogym (neo genesis)
super energy retrieval (neo genesis)
focus band (neo gensis)
recycle energy (neo genesis)
Persian (Jungle)
Dark Persian (Team Rocket)
Golduck (Fossil)
Dark Golduck (Team Rocket)
dark energy (neo genesis)
gold berry (neo genesis)
potion energy (team rocket)
full heal energy (team rocket)
zubat (Fossil)
Zubat (Team Rocket)
Brock's Zubat (Gym Heroes)
Koga's Zubat (Gym Challenge)
Oddish (Jungle)
Oddish (Team Rocket)
Erika's Oddish (Gym Heroes)
Erika's Oddish (Gym Challenge)
Oddish (Neo Genesis)
Paras (Jungle)
Erika's Paras (Gym Challenge)
Venonat (Jungle)
Sabrina's Venonat (Gym Heroes)
Venomoth (unknown set, pokeball symbol)
Brock's Golbat (Gym Heroes)
Primeape (Jungle)
Dark Primeape (Team Rocket)
Brock's Primeape (Gym Challenge)
Arcanine (Base)
Diglett (Base)
diglett (Team Rocket)
Brock's Diglett (Gym Challenge)
Meowth (Jungle)
Meowth (Team Rocket)
Giovanni's Meowth (Gym Challenge) COMMON
Psyduck (Fossil)
Psyduck (Team Rocket)
Sabrina's Psyduck (Gym Challenge)
Misty's Psyduck (Gym Challenge)
Mankey (Jungle)
Mankey (Team Rocket)
Brock's Mankey (Gym Heroes)
Blaine's Mankey (Gym Challenge)
Growlithe (Base)
Blaine's Growlithe (Gym Heroes)
Poliwag (Base)
Misty's Poliwag (Gym Challenge)
Poliwhirl (Base)
Misty's Poliwhirl (Gym Heroes)
Abra (Base)
Abra (Team Rocket)
Kadabra (Base)
Dark Kadabra (Team Rocket)
AnthonyG said:Is there anyway you can do cash or money order? If not I think I might be able to fix my paypal account.
AnthonyG said:Do you still want to continue our trade?
please, LMK. Thanks