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Would this deck be competive at Nationals?

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Aspiring Trainer
I have had this deck built for a while now and have been making changes over and over and over but i think i might actually have it this time but i want your guys opinion's.

2-2 Steelix
2-2 Scizor
2-2 Blissey prime
2-2-2 Klinklang
1-1 Lanturn prime (fire and water counter)
4 Skarmory

2 Collectors
4 Professor Juniper
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Flower Shop Lady
2 Copycat
2 Seeker
2 Potion
4 Moomoo Milk

6 Basic Metal {M}[/size][/font]
4 Special Metal {M}
2 Double Color Less {C}{C}
2 Basic Lightning {L}

Strategy: Basically you wanna start with skarmory and either a onix or syther do be able to steel coat basically attaching 2 energies a turn. After setting up your scizor's and steelix's then you start setting up your klinklang and have 1 chansey down so that when you cant remove the damage from your hitter then you can move the energies back to the bench to play blissey prime to heal all of the damage. It's pretty broken if you get the set up. 7/10 i get that set up. I kinda need some help just in general for this deck.
Please state in your first post the set number of the Onix you're using. I'd recommend using the one with Swing Around because it can counter Umbreon.
My brother runs a similar deck. It is pretty much unbeatable once you get 4 special metals on Steelix; I pretty much have to reversal up Klinklang in order to win at all, or stall with Umbreon. We're struggling to find a counter for all the fire going around though. How is the Lanturn working out? It seems like a bit of a costly tech that won't last long...I mean it knocks out any fire Pokemon in one hit, but it gets one-shot by Reshiram and then you're in trouble. How has it worked out for you? As far as Onyx choice, either are really cool. One is an umbreon counter and the other lets you take off damage from your Pokemon. I do think you need more ways to search for Pokemon. Disregarding weakness, I think this kind of deck, when set up, is perhaps the most powerful if not one of the most powerful in the format. Therefore, you should take care of getting the Pokemon you need. My brother has been trying out Pichu as an alternate starter. He will let you and your opponent fill up your benches, but this will generally benefit you more than your opponent, since this setup rocks but takes a lot of pieces to make it work. He is one option, but I think you should max out Communication and Collector since you have a lot of different Pokemon. Also, I'm not sure if all the moo moo milks are necessary if your main strategy is to move energies/heal damage with Klinklang/Blissey. Otherwise, cool deck!
Well see, there's decks out there for different people and some deck do not work for certain people. But for me, Steelix has been working like a charm. It's jsut when fire comes along its a 80% loosing streak against it. The lanturn is doing fine but i need to find a way to put in another line of it.. I thought about running pichu just for that awesome bench set up which in a way, can help you against your opponent because he might have a collector in hand and theres no point in using a collector when you have a full bench? But! I do want to run this deck at nats so if you could, test and help me :D?
Very much appreciated,