Health Care

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
There's alot of talk going on about this right now, and Obama isn't
doing such a good job on it. What are your guys views on it.

The Democrats and Republicans are arguing about how President Obama's
Health Care Reform plan will work out. Some people believe it's a plan to kill the
elderly and tax soda products like what Stephen Colbert mentioned recently on the Colbert Report:

Some people believe that the lack of using taxpayers money to help save senior citizens lives could also become a problem as well.
I live in the UK, and we have a national health insurance. Can't say its doing well, our NHS is pretty much bankrupt and robbing taxpayers :(
The swine flu mediaction sucks. I had swine flu and got better without it. Apparantly it doesn't even help most people. The best it can do is shorten the illness by 1 day, not so handy. Its not worth it to put up with the side effects such as vommiting, diarrhoe, and nightmares. When you're ill anyway, vommitting and nightmares are the last thing you need.
Idk about taxing soda, but it's definitely not a plan to kill elderly. I know that much that that is not true in the slightest. And the town halls aren't helping the morale of the people...

dmaster out.
Well, I know three people with different opinions.
Person 1: In favor of killing elderly in secret
Person 2: In favor of killing elderly in public
Person 3: In favor of killing elderly in whatever way scares the public most.

Then person 3 asked if anyone had read the bill. Everyone answered no and he replied, good because I haven't either. JK, saw it on the Daily Show with John Stewart.

Anyways, I don't think that it will kill the elderly at all. I just hope that Obama can get it right before the 2012 election, or else he'll lose reelection. Oh, maybe Clinton can beat him out in the primary. First black pres, and then first woman pres.
I live in America. I have a stuttering problem. I can't get free thereapy at my public school.... why?? Because according to Obama's new plan, it isn't important enough. Well to me it is important! This is true, ask the princapal. I don't want a board of Obama-approved members to tell me that I can't have therapy for my speech problems.

I hate how the left-wing liberals say the people who ask good questions at town halls are paid by the GOP to cause trouble. Then Nancy Pelosi, (The devil's wife), accuses the town hall attendees of carrying swastichas! That is totally untrue. Lets see the facts:

Hawaii, US: Tried Free Health Care
Result: Failure

England: Has free health care
Result: Free Health Care

The facts don't lie.

Don't get me started on who's fault the economy REALLY is (Not Bush)..
Obama's health care program would theoretically benefit older folks, actually. He's working harder to expand social, tax-paid health care like Medicaid and Medicare -- which are programs most elderly people depend on. Hypothetically, the people this plan's going to hurt the most are the people who refuse to stop buying private health care -- mostly wealthy people and Republicans.

The only reason people think Obama's plan will "kill" old people is because they're misinformed. They don't understand how socialized health care works -- they're probably the same people that feel that Obama is a communist and is trying to enslave all the white folks.

Also, don't take the Colbert report too seriously. The show is more comedy than news -- not the other way around.
ElectroManiac said:
I live in America. I have a stuttering problem. I can't get free thereapy at my public school.... why?? Because according to Obama's new plan, it isn't important enough. Well to me it is important! This is true, ask the princapal. I don't want a board of Obama-approved members to tell me that I can't have therapy for my speech problems.

I hate how the left-wing liberals say the people who ask good questions at town halls are paid by the GOP to cause trouble. Then Nancy Pelosi, (The devil's wife), accuses the town hall attendees of carrying swastichas! That is totally untrue. Lets see the facts:

Hawaii, US: Tried Free Health Care
Result: Failure

England: Has free health care
Result: Free Health Care

The facts don't lie.

Don't get me started on who's fault the economy REALLY is (Not Bush)..

England has free health care but what is the point when you have minimal access to it?
Health Care won't be completely perfect. Because people will find a way to complain about not being able to taken care of.
I just hope the system that gets put in here in America is better than the one we have now. The current system is way more expensive than it should be, and a lot of people are uninsured.
Shining Raikou said:
I just hope the system that gets put in here in America is better than the one we have now. The current system is way more expensive than it should be, and a lot of people are uninsured.

While this is true that we for sure need a better system, some things in the existing system are perfectly fine. In fact, most people think the whole thing is going to get scrapped and a completely new one would be put up, but that would be insanely stupid. If some things work, change the things that don't. That's simple common sense in my book.

dmaster out.
kashmaster said:
yeh its like 45 million/thousand I forgot :p. I just hope you guys get something better than the NHS

yes but the whole reason our countries health care poor is because we dont have to pay for it so what most americans have to take into consideration is do they want their healthcare to end up as bad as ours and also you have to consider both of our countries bad lifestyles which are causing hospitals to fill up and making waiting time in a hospital longer so would america want a health care which is terrible but could be used by everyone or one that you have to pay for but get decent health care
Ok, first of all, there isn't even a set bill to vote on. Currently there are 3 separate bills formed by three different committies. These bills will eventually be melded into one bill that can be voted on. No one really knows what's in the bills, but there isn't a "Death Panel" in any of the bills. What really ticks me off about this whole thing is how misinformed the public is about this whole issue. A lot of people coming to these Town Hall meetings are coming in the discussion with distorted facts and downright lies fabricated by special interest groups that are in favor of privatized health care. These people are being used as pawns in a sick game that is really going to alter the way people are going to seek and receive treatment.

Another point I want to make is that a lot (not all) of the people that are against this bill have some kind of health insurance, while people who don't have to either have to go to the emergency room, or just suffer. For example, I saw a story not too long ago on this group ( I forget the name) that sends medical aid to 3rd world countries like Darfur, and how they have had to set up a relief center in downtown Los Angeles, because of the sheer amount of people without health insurance, or people that had insurance, but the insurance wouldn't cover a certain condition. Most people that they interviewed were hard working people, but they just couldn't insurance. If that isn't alarming, I don't know what is.

So, honestly, I really think this country deserves a better system then what we have now. This is the greatest country in the world, and this country's people deserve the best health care in the world. I'm not saying that this bill is going to solve every single problem that we have with our system, but it'll be a very good start.