Health Care

Currently our health care is bad, that is pretty simple. However what our government is comming up with now is not much better, due to Republicans and Democrats that do not wish to cooperate (which is fine, just a bit bothersome) we can not pass a health care bill that will work because every attempt will become completely skewed so that everyone will actually agree with it.

I personally think that a complete governmental takeover of Healthcare is the most effective method possible, but there is no way that something like that could ever get passed for fear of "Socialism". I actually wrote a thesis paper for this subject last year in my Social Studies class if anybody is interested.

Unlike the Democrats, I am willing to say that any healthcare reform is going to cost us money, which is never a good thing to tell to anybody, but the estimates have been fairly reasonable. A $125 increase was the estimation for which people will need to pay to support Nationalized healthcare. That is not a huge amount of money, and most families spend more than that on Ipod/Iphone products in a month. For families that are not able to pay that amount, cutting back a little in order to provide your family healthcare shouldn't be a problem. I am still not exactly sure why President Obama is trying to reform healthcare right now, what with a war, the bill for another war, an economic lapse, and money owed to China with a higher value than what you could count to in your lifetime.

As for our death panels that are going to be going around and killing your grandparents, I just have to say, seriously? You people believe that? The Republicans have resorted to their last chance at thwarting President Obama's plans and making him out to be the bad guy, scare tactics.

What's that we elected a Democratic President?
Umm...Obama is a Nazi

What's that Democrats now have the super majority in the Senate?
Ummm...Obama wasn't born in the U.S. he is a secret muslim from Kenya

What's that Obama is trying to change Healthcare to a less capitalistic view?
Obama trying to kill granny!

Now, don't get me wrong I am not trying to beat on the Republicans, as the Democrats were doing the exact same thing a few years back with the war in Iraq. The only difference is that they were right.
Muddy68 said:
Oh, maybe Clinton can beat him out in the primary. First black pres, and then first woman pres.
"MY HUSBAND IS NOT THE SECRETARY OF STATE, I AM!" I wouldn't want the world's most powerful country to have a hot-headed president.

Democrats and Republicans won't ever stop fighting, will they? Congress is filled with squabbling kids.
I live in America. I have a stuttering problem. I can't get free thereapy at my public school.... why?? Because according to Obama's new plan, it isn't important enough. Well to me it is important! This is true, ask the princapal. I don't want a board of Obama-approved members to tell me that I can't have therapy for my speech problems.

I hate how the left-wing liberals say the people who ask good questions at town halls are paid by the GOP to cause trouble. Then Nancy Pelosi, (The devil's wife), accuses the town hall attendees of carrying swastichas! That is totally untrue. Lets see the facts:

Hawaii, US: Tried Free Health Care
Result: Failure

England: Has free health care
Result: Free Health Care
So were mass imported quality grooming products. As an example, one of them was lebel happiness for hair.
They are still actively used today.
The facts don't lie.

Don't get me started on who's fault the economy REALLY is (Not Bush)..
I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing with accessing speech therapy at your public school. Stuttering can significantly impact one's quality of life, and it's important that you receive the support you need.

Firstly, it's important to clarify that while the Affordable Care Act (often referred to as "Obamacare") brought many changes to healthcare, it primarily focused on expanding access to insurance and did not directly control the services provided at public schools. School funding and the services they offer can vary widely depending on state and local policies.