HeartGold/SoulSilver is the shiz


Aspiring Trainer
When I was looking through the translations of the set and the new trainer kit thing. I found out that they were bring back old cards.
Copycat (yay) , Holon lass (in the form of Interviewer’s Question) , Bill , Double colorless , and many more.
What do you think of pokemon bring back these old cards
(Randy) said:
Yeah that part sucks. Don't get why its a supporter.
Because it would have been to good as a trainer.

And they brang back Copycat because it's an awesome card. Better than some of the hand shufflers we have these days, and a few cards have a "If you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent" attack its perfect for making those cards playable.
But back then it was a trainer so it was still good back then.
Sure it would be a little bit too good. But its not like rare candy. (which in my opinion is better than bill.)
Don't forget about Donphan Prime! He's just a souped up reprint of Aquapolis/Skyridge Donphan.. I forget which set it's actually in.
Bill is a supporter because every human caracter in Pokémon is a supporter card... It wasn't a supporter in Base Set simply because there was no such type of card at that time
DCE and copycat definently do the most for the meta. Bill is an absolute disaster. I bet they just made it to take up room in theme decks. I like the way they are headed, but I hope reprints will get better than these.
I'm a bit upset they reprinted Bill as a supporter but at least they brought back DCE. Needs more Prime Espeon and Umbreon IMO.
Need Prime Raichu. Oh wait, the're making one. In that case, need a GOOD prime Raichu...

I'm still annoyed Mom's kindness didn't have an extra effect like TGM or POV. And now they go and make an exact reprint with a different name. The only reason bill may have had a purpose is if all of the draw 2+ supporters got retired, but they reprinted POV, so that won't happen.
(Randy) said:
Not really... All it would do is confuse them and do 40.

Have you not noticed Shiftry's pokebody? If your opponent flips a coin during their turn it's always treated as tails. So they're stuck confused and not able to attack.
DCE will completely change the meta, so many decks will become playable. Copy cat will be a throw in for every deck IMO. People talk about gatr prime but I don't see it working. WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY too dependant on powers.