HeartGold & SoulSilver Speculation Thread

The entire Crobat line, the entire Ursaring line are being cut, at least that would make the most sense. I am thinking that the Slowking lines may be cut, to coincide with the release of its great, but what do I know? There are no dark or steel pokemon, so idk if they will print those energies, they may save them for the next set. Then, that means 6 energy(colorless isn't an energy people), so from Lugia and the 6 energy, thats 120. Then, add 2 lithographs and a gyrados, and you got yourself 123 cards.
Seth: dark and metal are being printed. All that stuff I had up in my first post is true. Thr gyarados is card#123. There was no picture or space for lithos. There was just one extra space.
chitownkid said:
I'm thinking Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr will be rares in the set and holo exclusives in the theme decks.

Unless we get their Prime forms, but that has got such a small chance of happening.
Dr4g0n said:
Did not WPM say that Crobat Prime and Ursaring Prime are to be added to our second set? If not, woo-hoo! Ursaring for the win!

They're not going to be in HG/SS, thats all I know.

P.S. thanks for supporting my friends and I (6 dimension, vulpix yolk, spiritomg, and me) w/ castform!