Ruling Heatran Lv X

Lord Atmo

Kabutops Fanatic
Just a quick question. Is Heatran Lv X's Poke-Power stackable? Like, could I have 2 of them on my bench and thus return 4 discarded energies to my active {R} or {M} pokemon?

Since the power does not specify how many you can use at the end of each turn, yes, you could stack the powers. Up to 2, of course.
Yes you can. As long as a Poke-Power or Poke-Body doesn't say otherwise this is true. For example, look at Sceptile GE's Wild Growth. It clearly says that you can't use more than 1 each turn. But Heatran doesn't say this.
Edit: Ninja'd.
Oh wow so if you had 4 on the bench (thanks to tins, this IS easy to do :D. Thanks, PUSA!) you could recycle up to 8 {R}? That could really help some cards like PT Infernape etc. I always thought this power was a bit too good.

But if it IS stackable, I need more tins! WOW!
You can't have 4 heatrans lvX on your bench for that to be allowed you would have to play 4-4 Heatran lvX. You can't have more than 4 heatrans in your deck. sorry to burst your bubble. but you could always recycle 4 fire or steel energies
X_empoleon_X said:
You can't have 4 heatrans lvX on your bench for that to be allowed you would have to play 4-4 Heatran lvX. You can't have more than 4 heatrans in your deck. sorry to burst your bubble. but you could always recycle 4 fire or steel energies


Except, the energies don't have to be Fire or Steel. They only have to be basic and discarded from your active Fire or Steel pokemon.
The Lv Xs still count as the pokemon? I thought they were half-evolutions and thus were considered different much like the Unown.
I got a question about Heatran Lv. X. Suppose I have a Weavile on the Bench, and I use Dark Engage on my Active Pokémon, who's normally Fire or Metal and discards Basic Energy. Dark Engage turns the Active Pokémon into the Darkness type at the end of my turn, but Heat Wave takes effect only on the end of my turn.

Would Heat Wave be able to take effect on my Active Pokémon in this case? In other words, what comes first: the reversion of my Active Pokémon back to Fire or Steel; or Heat Wave not working on an Active Pokémon turned Darkness?
Ophie said:
I got a question about Heatran Lv. X. Suppose I have a Weavile on the Bench, and I use Dark Engage on my Active Pokémon, who's normally Fire or Metal and discards Basic Energy. Dark Engage turns the Active Pokémon into the Darkness type at the end of my turn, but Heat Wave takes effect only on the end of my turn.

Would Heat Wave be able to take effect on my Active Pokémon in this case? In other words, what comes first: the reversion of my Active Pokémon back to Fire or Steel; or Heat Wave not working on an Active Pokémon turned Darkness?

Good question.

I would hazard a guess as to say that Dark Engage would go away first, allowing you to retrieve energy. Though it's not likely that you would run Weavile in a fire deck...
Nope, according to the Compendium, Dark Engage gets in the way of Heat Wave.
Apparently, Heat Wave works right when the energy is discarded... even though Heatran Lv.X's Power says that you use it at the end of your turn.
Heat Wave doesn't work before the end of your turn.
Dark Engage works till the end of your turn.

Dark Engage gets in the way of Heat Wave, because Heat Wave must be used before the turn ends.
Lord Atmo said:
The Lv Xs still count as the pokemon? I thought they were half-evolutions and thus were considered different much like the Unown.

The Fallen One said:
Yup. It's even in the rule book.
They are just pokemon when they are not in play and while in play, they take on the same level as the previous form. There is no 1/2 levels. They have the same name. The level is NOT part of the name (otherwise you could run 12 eletrikes and 12 manetrics because of different levels (but you couldn't evole any of the mannys because they say eletrike and not eletrike lvl 10)) and so you can only run 4 of any combination of pokemon and pokemon X. You can run 4 cresslia, 3 cresslia and 1 lvl X, 2 cress and 2 X, 1 cress and 3 X, and even 4 X.
So Weavile would only hinder Heatran Lv. X. Thanks.

I tend to have some really off-the-wall ideas, since I stare at cards I get from booster packs I open, then seeing how they might go together.