Wi-Fi Trades Hegafire's Competitive Shiny Trade Shop!

RE: Hega's My Player Thread

The ones I have are near perfect; one having a 5 in defense, one with a 5 in speed, and one with a 5 in special defense
RE: Hega's My Player Thread

Any with a lot of the defensive and HP IVs would be really nice. I'll try to catch the Metang soon.
RE: Hega's My Player Thread

I have one that has Quirky nature if that is one that you'd like. Then other than that, there is Impish, Brave, and Naughty that I think may appeal to you
RE: Hega's My Player Thread

SylveonsAndEspurrs said:
I have one that has Quirky nature if that is one that you'd like. Then other than that, there is Impish, Brave, and Naughty that I think may appeal to you

Sure, I'll take quirky. I just caught the Metang, so just send me your friend code and we can do the trade.
RE: Hega's My Player Thread! Shiny Slugma, Charizardite X, and lots of hidden abilities!

Big Hidden Ability bump!
RE: Hega's My Player Thread! Shiny Slugma, Charizardite X, and lots of hidden abilities!

I'm interested in your Slugma. I have a shiny Clauncher if you're interested (yes, chain fishing, I know).
You're also welcome to check my thread to see if there's something else you want.
RE: Hega's My Player Thread! Shiny Slugma, Charizardite X, and lots of hidden abilities!

Keeper of Night said:
I'm interested in your Slugma. I have a shiny Clauncher if you're interested (yes, chain fishing, I know).
You're also welcome to check my thread to see if there's something else you want.

Sorry, nothing of big interest unless you have other shinies obtained through methods besides chain fishing.
RE: Hega's My Player Thread! Shiny Slugma, Sawsbuck, Charizardite X, and HAs!

Please limit your posts with updates/bumps to once a week.
RE: Hega's My Player Thread! Shiny Slugma, Sawsbuck, Charizardite X, and HAs!

The Ultimate Bump has come!
RE: Hega's My Player Thread! Competitive Shinies Galore! Ultimate Bump!

Slightly major bump on an old trade thread..
I see a lot of nice things on your list. Take a look at mine and see if theres anything you like.
Hopefully theres something so we can work out a trade or 2.
Check out my thread to see if anything interests you. I see a couple things I'd like from your thread so hopefully we can agree on something ^_^