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Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X! Some H

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RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

CML for Kabuitops AR
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!!!

I might be willing to trade Flygon Lv X your Luxray GL Lv X, if you're interested.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

If Brawlers trade falls through, I can trade you Typhlosion Prime and a Meganium Prime, For your Lux GL X. Counter or LMK, of course only if it falls through.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

I'm interested in your Luxray GL X, Hippowdon X, and Cresselia GE. I have several Claydol GE promo. CML for more
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

CML for:

luxray x please.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!!!

nabby101 said:
Hello Traders!


1. I live in Canada and trade the within Canada and the USA
2. I will send in sleeves, I hope you will do the same
3. Cards are all mint, unless I say they aren't
4. I will check your list if you want me to
5. Follow standard trading rules
6. I have refs, so if you have less, then you send first
7. I don't accept non-english cards unless noted
8. I live in Canada so if you don't send there don't post here
9. HAVE FUN!!!


Rare Candy x3*****
Claydol GE/Promo x2*****
HG/SS Holos/Pokemon Prime/Legends****
Mow Rotom x1****
Pokedrawer + x1**** (throw in)


Level X's/Shinies/Reprints/Secret Rares
Floatzel GL Lv.X
Hippowdon Lv.X
Drapion Lv.X
Palkia Lv.X (tin)

Arceus AR 3 (Fire)
Arceus AR 8 (Fighting)

Diamond and Pearl
#12 Rhyperior (holo)
#13 Roserade (holo)
#17 Torterra (theme deck holo)
#28 Heracross
#29 Hippowdon

Mysterious Treasures
#13 Meganium (rh)
#21 Bastiodon (theme deck holo)
#27 Kricketune
#39 Walrein

Secret Wonders
#13 Ludicolo (holo)
#28 Golduck
#31 Magmortar x3 (1 rh,1 holo,1 rare)
#42 Wormadam Sandy Cloak x2 (rh)

Great Encounters
#2 Cresselia (holo)
#17 Exploud x3
#27 Primeape
#28 Slowking
#57 Unown G

Majestic Dawn
#7 Leafeon (rh)
#14 Zapdos x2 (holo)
#17 Empoleon
#18 Espeon (rh)
#21 Hippowdon (rh)
#30 Torterra

Legends Awakened
#6 Heatran (holo)
#9 Mamoswine x3 (2 holos)
#23 Delcatty
#26 Deoxys Speed Forme
#29 Groudon
#30 Heatran (theme deck holo)
#32 Kyogre
#35 Poliwrath
#38 Regirock
#40 Shedinja
#45 Vileplume
#77 Unown R x2

#9 Regigigas (holo)
#10 Sceptile
#12 Abomasnow x2
#13 Bronzong x4
#15 Drapion
#19 Gyarados x3
#20 Machamp x3 (1 rh)
#22 Rapidash
#23 Roserade x3
#25 Scizor
#26 Skuntank x3 (1 rh)

#9 Giratina (Let Loose) (rh)
#11 Manectric x2 (holo)
#14 Shaymin (holo)
#21 Beautifly x2
#24 Dugtrio
#26 Empoleon
#27 Giratina (Strafe)
#29 Golduck
#30 Gyarados G
#36 Ninetales x3
#39 Torterra
#40 Toxicroak G

Rising Rivals
Most of the holos, just ask.
#5 Flygon (holo)
#7 Jirachi (holo)
#13 Shiftry (holo)
#14 Aggron x2
#17 Drapion 4
#22 Gastrodon West Sea
#25 Hippowdon x2
#26 Jolteon
#32 Rypherior 4 (theme deck holo)
#35 Vespiquen 4

Supreme Victors
#1 Absol G (rh)
#3 Drifblim FB (holo)
#6 Magmortar (holo)
#7 Metagross (rh)
#11 Staraptor FB (holo)
#18 Camerupt
#27 Empoleon FB
#28 Exploud
#33 Mawile
#37 Mr. Mime
#44 Shedinja

#4 Kabutops (holo)
#6 Mothim (holo)
#7 Probopass (holo)
#10 Tangrowth (holo)
#18 Glalie
#21 Lopunny
#22 Manectric
#24 Pelipper x3 (1 rh)
#25 Pichu
#29 Raticate

PT Galactic HQ rh
SF Conductive Quarry x3
LA Stark Mountain

SV Palmer's Contribution
SV Cynthia's Guidance x2
RR Flint's Willpower x2
RR Underground Expedition x2
PT Looker's Investigation x2
SF Marley's Request x3
MD Mom's Kindness x2
MT Fossil Excavator x2
DP Rival

Pokemon Tools/Technical Machines
A Bench Shield
A Buffer Piece
PT Memory Berry
SF Energy Link x4 (1 rh)
LA TM1 Evoluter

PT TGI Power Spray
PT Pokemon Rescue x2
SF Pokehealer +
MD/MT Dusk Ball x2
SF Energy Switch x4
LA Poke Radar x3
DP/A Energy Restore x3 (1 rh)
DP Double Full Heal
DP Night Pokemon Center

Lots of Potions, Fossils, and Switch, ask if you need any.

EX Series
Legend Maker #11 Muk (holo)
Exeggutor (holo) (? set)
Delcatty (? set)
Multi Energy (holo)(? set)
Master Ball (holo)(? set)

Pop8 #5 Yanmega (not holo)
Pop9 #4 Regigigas(not holo)

I will accept other offers just ask.
Also I have many of the uncommons and commons so just ask.

cml for lux x
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

Please CML for lux X. I have claydol and candies.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

shoyru - Sorry, nothing really. Also I live in Canada and your thread says you only ship to USA.
dakota - Sorry, not worth shipping for minor trade.
Radical - Sorry, I don't need Flygon X right now.
SotS - I'll get back to you on that. Brawler hasn't Pm'ed me in days but I am in the process of making a deal with another person already. If that falls through I'll LYK.
EvilHamster - What are the Arceus and HGSS prerelease sleeves like (colours, pokemon)?
Spardan - Sorry nothing.
the situation - Can you give me a link to your trade thread?
Juliacoolo - I'll get back to you, I'm in the process of trading with another person for the Lux X but it could fall through.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

Arceus has a picture of silhouette of arceus on it and it's teal colored. HGSS sleeves have a silhouette of lugia and ho-oh on them and are very dark blue (almost black). You can probably find pics on google. How many of each are you interested in?

TBH, Lux X is the only thing I'm interested in. I don't know if you want to trade it for sleeves, but I could add cards. LMK
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

CML for Flygon RR. I have HGSS holos.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

CML for the Lux X if you havn't already traded it
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

flygon X

luxray X
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Lux

i have some of your wants , cml please for lux x .
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

2 Claydol (GE or LP; you choose)
1 Lugia Legend Top
1 Typhlosion Prime

1 Luxray Lv.X?

LMK. Thanks.
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Luxray GL Lv.X!

Rare Candy x3*****
Claydol Promo x2*****
Mow Rotom x1****
Pokedrawer + x1**** (throw in)
Cursegar*** x2

Luxray GL X
RE: Hello! Anybody there? I want to trade with you... Major Rising Rivals Update! Lux

Alex(charm)ander said:
CML for Flygon RR. I have HGSS holos.

I also want to add:

Both pieces of Lugia Legend for your Luxray GL LV X. LMK or Counter. I also have many more of your wants on my list.
EvilHamster - Yeah sorry, not trading LuxX for sleeves.
piplup234 - Sorry nothing.
geo - Sorry no.
Mudkip - Sorry no.
Shakespear - Sorry no.
Alex Charmander - I'll get back to you in a few days. LMK when you get the box of HGSS.
the situation - According to your trade thread you only trade to US.
nabby101 said:
EvilHamster - Yeah sorry, not trading LuxX for sleeves.
piplup234 - Sorry nothing.
geo - Sorry no.
Mudkip - Sorry no.
Shakespear - Sorry no.
Alex Charmander - I'll get back to you in a few days. LMK when you get the box of HGSS.
the situation - According to your trade thread you only trade to US.

i'll trade anywhere for lux x, haha .
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