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Help Finish My Deck!

RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

@ Thegame: Hey Then i mean its just a better deal to get the theme decks
@ Rikko: Liked The Flygon X's Make an offer please
@ Alex: I know thats not a good deal straight up, so i could throw in more on my end
@ Shuckle: nothing i saw sorry
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

I don't want to trade Gengar X. I will trade something else though. Do you have any of the other things I asked about?
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Level X's [English]
need them
Salamence X (x1)

Ho-Oh Bottom Half x2

Rare Candy x2 2 Holo

have them
Salamence SF 2 or 3 I think AR
Your LIST!
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Can you please CML, and sales thread (sales thread is updated more often) for a Ho-oh bottom half? =3 I think I may have an unlisted Salamence SF as well by the way.

LMK what you find there that you like.
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Alex: Pokemon Communication,Copy Cat, Prof Oaks New Theory, Moo Moo Milk...
The Only thing i needed was the Gengar X for my deck... But LMK i mean i have X's i can trade

Puncher: Im Interested in Your Gengar X and Flygon X

Sots: Liked Lugia Legend! If you also need a top half i have 2 incoming
Also Liked Dusknoir X
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Ummm, the Dusknoir is gone. I haven't updated my Trade Thread in weeks. Which is why I said also check my sales thread. ;]

I'd kind of rather keep the Lugia Legend 'til he's sold. I'm trying to get Ho-oh AND Lugia Legend full as well. So you probably know that I'd rather not trade Legend for Legend. You didn't see any Primes you wanted for the both halves?
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!!!!!!!

I like your rare candies, feel free to browse my trade thread to see if something interests you. Thanks! :)
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Giligan1004 said:
Alex: Pokemon Communication,Copy Cat, Prof Oaks New Theory, Moo Moo Milk...
The Only thing i needed was the Gengar X for my deck... But LMK i mean i have X's i can trade

Would you do prime for prime? I will trade you Meganium Prime for it.
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Giligan1004 said:
@ Thegame: Hey Then i mean its just a better deal to get the theme decks
@ Rikko: Liked The Flygon X's Make an offer please
@ Alex: I know thats not a good deal straight up, so i could throw in more on my end
@ Shuckle: nothing i saw sorry

Not trading those for these wants. Something else?
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Sots: Id rather not trade Legends for Primes...
Chia: I liked your Gengar Lv.X
Alex: I'll Think about it
Rikko: Still got a Gengar X?
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!!!!!!!

I am interested in your 4 Rare Candy. Please CML for them. I have a ton of SP trainers if you run SP's.:p
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

I have GENGAR X I want your Ho-oh Legend peice x1
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Giligan1004 said:
Sots: Id rather not trade Legends for Primes...
Chia: I liked your Gengar Lv.X
Alex: I'll Think about it
Rikko: Still got a Gengar X?

Yup. Interested?
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Rikko: Yup XD Make an offer and we can work from there : )
Piplup: I Highly Value my Legend Pieces.... Can you throw in more?
Pokeplayer: Sorry didnt see anything i would like to trade for them...
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Hi there. Could you check my listo for your following ENGLISH cards:

1x Shaymin LV.X (Land)
1x Shaymin LV.X (Promo Sky)
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Well the single peices are only going for about $15-20 and thats the value of gengar so...
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!!!!!!!

Ho-Oh Bottom Half x1
Prime Typlosion x2
Cool HO-OH fire Energy x2
Cool Lugia Water Energy
Rare Candy x2 (2 Holo, what set?)

These for Gengar Lv.X?
RE: H: 2 Legend Pieces PRIMES! and X's!

Joker: Liked, Azelf X
Piplup: I'll think on it
Rikko: NO WAY o_O Thats like a WAY rip!
Maybe like
Ty primes for it

But All that! o_O