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Help For My Deck.. Hykrai


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, I'm riding this deck, I already have most of the cards ... wanted to know if something is missing or not...

obs: sry my english >.<

Pokemons: 14

3x Darkrai EX ( DE )
1x Mewtwo EX ( ND )
3x Hydragon ( DEX )
2x Deino ( NV )
1x Deino ( DEX - Deep Growl )
1x Zweilous ( DEX - Draw Inn )
1x Sigilyph ( DEX )
2x Sabley ( DEX )

T/S/S - 31

4x Dark Patch
3x N
3x Professor Juniper
1x Bianca
2x Skyla
1x Level Ball
2x Ultra Ball
1x Computer Search
3x Pokemon Catcher
3x Max Potion
1x Town Map
2x Cheren
2x Eviolite
3x Rare Candy
1x Random Receiver

Energy - 12

8 - {D}
4 - Blend - {G}{R}{D}{P}

58 cards.... no idea for +2 cards...

something is missing on my deck?

thanks for help :D
-2 Dark Energy You'll have enough energy, this deck burns all of its cards rather quickly so you'll have them
-2 Double Colorless Energy you can't move these around so it hurts you with Mewtwo
-1 Mewtwo EX Mewtwo shouldn't be more than a 1 of
-1 Town Map takes away bulk
-2 Level Ball Ultra Ball is far better

+1 Max Potion you'll always want 3 or more
+1 Rare Candy, you won't be getting many T2 Hydreigon with 2
+1 Pokemon Catcher, really good, I played 3 for a bit but found that I lost because there weren't enough
+2 Professor Juniper, the best Supporter right now IMO, and all Darkrai decks need 4
+2 Ultra Ball, discards energy for Dark Patch.
+1 Sableye, moar trainer recovery
I would go 2 dragon Deino and one dark Deino. There are way to many Landorus out there to donk it. You won't see a ton of baby ray so you should be fine with the dragons.
I wouldn't run it personally. It just doesn't do enough damage in a Darkrai/Hydreigon deck. I think Registeel works best early game, in spread decks, and in metal decks to use protect charge. The latter two are not the deck you run and it is 100% impossible to hit a T1 triple laser and slightly unlikely T2 with only 2 DCE. The Reason I say Registeel works great early game is because he can knock out a lot of weak basics but its still a seldom seen tactic. Sniping is good for setting up KO's but you have Darkrai, which is a lot better because you will be wanting to do real damage to something instead of just 30 to 3. I would pass on the registeel.

I do disagree though with Blui about two being too many Mewtwo. I think in just about any deck running 1 Mewtwo is smart and running two is a meta call. I have seen a lot of good players have success with one and a lot of good players have success with two. A card to consider in Darkrai/Hydreigon now that Rayeels is less common and Sigilyph is more common is Giratina EX . Shred goes right through Sigilyph and Dragonpulse will 1HKO Terrakion. Hydreigon will 1HKO it too but sometimes its better not to throw Hydreigon in the active spot and discard 2 dark if you don't have to. Especially since Dark Patch isn't the fastest form of energy acceleration out there.

Hope all that helps {D}
an Ace Spec might help. Considering that Computer Search is the only good one in this deck, I would definitely add one in. There's really no reason no to run an Ace Spec. Also, Colress would be helpful in here. Your Supporter line is a little weird compared to a lot of stuff I've seen, so I would tweak it to look like this:
4 N
3 Juniper
1 Random Receiver
3 Skyla
3 Colress
Or something similar, just my two cents.