He's looking for VGC.
Moves like Discharge, Earthquake, Surf, Rock Slide, and Blizzard are excellent moves for your Pokemon in VGC because they hit both of your opponent's Pokemon on their field. An interesting combo for VGC is Zapdos + Garchomp; it utilizes Zapdos' Discharge and Garchomp's Earthquake to hit the foes without damaging each other, because they are both immune to each other's moves.
There are also different strategies when it comes to VGC. Weather and Trick Room are to name a few. Weather is currently the popular choice at the moment, using Politoed with Drizzle (permanent Rain), Tyranitar (permanent sandstorm), Ninetales (permanent sun), and Abomasnow (permanent Hail). If you want to try a weather team, you can catch Poliwag and Vulpix in the Dream World, and Tyranitar and Abomasnow in-game (although they both have to be transferred, if I remember correctly). Once you get your permanent weather summoner, look for some Pokemon that are able to abuse the weather to the fullest. For example, a Sun team could utilize powerful fire types like Charizard or Infernape to get a boost from the sun, or Chlorophyll users like Sawsbuck and Lilligant.
Trick Room is a gimmicky strategy, but it can be great if pulled off correctly. You want to use Pokemon that can set up Trick Room, such as Reuniclus, Slowbro/Slowking, and many others (though Reuniclus is generally the best user for Trick Room in my opinion). You can even use Amoonguss with Rage Powder to almost guarantee Trick Room is set up. Then, you can use slow Pokemon like Conkeldurr and Metagross that can abuse Trick Room to the fullest. But if you're looking for an easy team to build, Trick Room takes a while. For one, all of your Pokemon need to be as slow as possible so they can out speed other Pokemon, so it requires 0 IVs in Speed and a Nature that decreases Speed (Quiet and Brave are good examples). If you can do this work, though, you're all set for a good Trick Room team.