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Help me with my first deck. Cinccino - Zoroark - Samurott


Aspiring Trainer
I started collecting about a month ago and want to start playing competitively and have just constructed my first competitive deck and I need EVERY piece of advice I can get.

4-4 Cinccino
2-2 Zoroark
3-2-3 Ability Samurott
1 Cleffa
1 Tyrouge

22 Pokes

4 Special Dark
4 Water

12 Energy

4 Sages
4 Junk Arm
2 Junifer
2 Rare Candy
1 Lost Remover
3 Poke Communication
3 Dual Ball
3 Poke Reversal

26 Trainers

Basically my main goal is to setup quick with Cinccino and fill up my bench so I can get a constant 100 damage going, Zoroark is the standard partner for Cinccino, and since I know that Emboar decks are popular I feel Samurott adds a good counter and is also is tougher kill than the other pokes in my deck.
RE: Need help with first deck.

-4 sages (just not that great)
-1 lost remover
-2 juniper (looks like you cant sacrifice most things)
+4 {W} (for this deck youre gonna need more than 4)
+1 rare candy (need 3 at least)
+2 collector (helps setup)
and consider pichu as a starter and using more daul ball and reversal

RE: Need help with first deck. (Needs main Pokemon and division in thread title)

You take out almost all of my draw support and my lost remover, which helps slow down machamps setup, to add more water energy which I don't think I need. Samurott is there to deal with emboar decks and donphan which 1 can me one shotted with with no water energy and the other with only 1 attached. I'm not a fan of collector as it trainer blocks me so I prefer dual balls and more draw support cards. I agree that sages isn't great but have been told it can work well in conjuction with junk arm which also lets me recycle dual balls or reversals. I do agree that I need one more of reversal and dual ball so maybe take out 2 sages or a poke communication and a sage.
RE: Need help with first deck. (Needs main Pokemon and division in thread title)

WildAbra said:
You take out almost all of my draw support and my lost remover, which helps slow down machamps setup, to add more water energy which I don't think I need. Samurott is there to deal with emboar decks and donphan which 1 can me one shotted with with no water energy and the other with only 1 attached. I'm not a fan of collector as it trainer blocks me so I prefer dual balls and more draw support cards. I agree that sages isn't great but have been told it can work well in conjuction with junk arm which also lets me recycle dual balls or reversals. I do agree that I need one more of reversal and dual ball so maybe take out 2 sages or a poke communication and a sage.
I suggest you don't listen to that guy as i noticed he considers pichu as starter which is bad, just lets opponent to setup faster aswell. take out 2 Junk arms since you don't need that many and add in 2 collectors. otherwise the deck is pretty okay.

To all others that give suggestions: Cleffa is the best starter, you cannot disagree cus it doesn't require energy like many other suggested starters and it's sleep blocks damage from most pokemons.
RE: Need help with first deck. (Needs main Pokemon and division in thread title)

Thank you, I do find that junk arm has been a really bad early draw and reducing the count would help with that, 2 collector might be fine but now I feel I have A LOT of supporter cards (12 seems like a lot to me but I'm new so tell me if I'm wrong) and would droping a sages and a poke communication to add a dual ball and reversal be helpful or useless?
RE: Help me with my first deck. Cinccino - Zoroark - Samurott (Masters division)

The deck looks really good. The only thing is that I would take out 1 Sages Training, because that is good early game, but late game you tend to discard important stuff.
And 4 Junk Arm is extremely overkill, and you look like you don't need to reuse that many trainers. So take out 2 of those. And I find that Collector is more consistent than Dual Ball, especially for setup.

-1 Sage's Training
-2 Junk Arm
-3 Dual Ball

+1 Water Energy (for consistency)
+2 Plus Power (this helps with Reshiram, Zekrom, Fire stuff that Samurott can't one-shot, and Cinccinno in general)
+3 Collector

This is all I got. Your deck looks better than what I could do when I first started.
RE: Need help with first deck. (Needs main Pokemon and division in thread title)

WildAbra said:
Thank you, I do find that junk arm has been a really bad early draw and reducing the count would help with that, 2 collector might be fine but now I feel I have A LOT of supporter cards (12 seems like a lot to me but I'm new so tell me if I'm wrong) and would droping a sages and a poke communication to add a dual ball and reversal be helpful or useless?

Yeah i think you should drop 2 sages for 1 more candy and 1 more communication. there's rarely "too many supporters". Especially soon when beartic and catcher are released. most likely vileplume becomes more common. :D