Pokemon help my friend!

so it was worth it did not even miss leuage any way now he leaves me alone and i get more respect form ever one else and almost no one makes fun of me any more and i got a girlfriend because of it was one of the best things that ever happend to me !
no it not Taylor andy it this kid named james kuchich ever one hates him for making fun of me
jirachi55 if he hates Pokemon jsut leave him be. You should not try and force soemone to like something you like.
it may not beworth it to you but ti was to for me fighting is not right in all sitiuation but at this one he just pushed me to afr and for to long im just telling you waht i did not acctly waht you should do
he cried becasue ever as soone as i did that a few days latter evrone stoped like him im not the only one at my school who thinks this way now ever one thinks he a jerk and he thinks hes better then ever one that is mean //evrey one stop chewing me out about what i said this is what happend and im not going to lieabout some thing that helped me i just told you what happend to me in a simlar sitiuation//
At least you didn't have to pay for the medical bill.


Jirchi55 just follow my advice.
i know that made it even better my new girl friend is so HOT! just thought ide throw that last part in just follow what andyman said and you will be fine
Im not trying to get him to like pokemon, he can hate it!!!! I just want to know what everyone thinks I should do!!!!!! That`s all. P.s. private message your friends. I need everyones` imput please!