Help with a Speed Dark Deck: Lights Out.

What of those Pokémons for the Deck?

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Aspiring Trainer
Houndoom UD x3
Houndour UD x3
Umbreon UD x2
Umbreon Prime x1
Eevee x3
and here I have a doubt
Liepard or Zoroark?
Some say Liepard is right for the deck, but Zoroark is even better (Unless the Defending Pokémon is a Fossil or something really bad). What Do you Think? Please Help :x
absol prime is a nice speedy damage/aggro pokemon

70 for 2 energy, SP dark acess, 20 damage spread with body
This belongs in the Players Sandbox. When this gets 50 or more cards I will move it to the Deck Garage.
I was thinking and Liepard will do 60 or 80 damage always, but Zoroark can do any ammount of damage depending the Defending Pokémon. Liepard will do 60 or 80 and that, Zoroark will do any ammount but may hit itself or discard energys. Liepard has 80 HP and Zoroark 100. Liepard is easier to get than Zoroark. I think i must use Liepard. But anyway thanks :)
Zoroark doesn't have to discard energy if it doesn't have the energy to discard. Use it, as it will help against mirror and will help against Reshiram. Run a 2-2 line though.
Panchisco said:
I was thinking and Liepard will do 60 or 80 damage always, but Zoroark can do any ammount of damage depending the Defending Pokémon. Liepard will do 60 or 80 and that, Zoroark will do any ammount but may hit itself or discard energys. Liepard has 80 HP and Zoroark 100. Liepard is easier to get than Zoroark. I think i must use Liepard. But anyway thanks :)
Zoroark is a is it harder to get than Liepard which you have to pull in a pack??

Zoroark is better than Liepard in every which way. More HP, easier to get, a crapload more useful, can help you set up, abuses DCE...the list goes on and on.
Zoroark PWNs... Hands down! It counters two big threats (Reshiram and Zekrom) with ONE of the 4 special dark energies you should be running in this deck. It's also a promo and just looks cooler
This deck looks interesting! I can't wait to see how it does.

But, onto the question, I think that Zoroark is the better card for the situation. Sure, Liepard can hit for 60 or 80, but Zoroark is more of a situational card, sending out against threats that can one-shot themselves, like Reshiram, Zekrom (Need a Sp. Dark or PlusPower for those), and Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND. It wouldn't be a main attacker, more of a tech. Like I said earlier, situational. The whole deck seems that way, too. So that's what I'd suggest.