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Help with Zekrom Deck-masters


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, everyone. I really new here but have been playing the card game for a while. Unfortunately, I still have trouble creating very powerful decks. I wanted to ask everyones advice on whether I have a good deck so far.

please tell me what you would add/take out. Though I like all the pokemon I have, I'm willing to play with the number ratio's with them. I'm not willing to take them out for good though.

this is what I have

*x10 {L}
*x2 double {C}
*x3 rescue energy

15 energies total

*x2 Pokemon Collector
*x3 energy retrieval
*x4 prof. oaks theory
*x2 Seekers
*x2 prof. elms training method
*x3 Pokémon communication
*x4 revives
*x3 super scoop up
*x2 interviewers questions
*x1 energy search

26 cards

x3 solosis
x2 Duosion
x2 reuniclus
x2 zekroms
x2 zorua
x2 zoroark
x2 shaymin
x2 pachirisu

17 Pokémon

this comes out to 58 cards. Any help would be highly appreciated :D

The strategy is to get zekrom out when possible, to do 120 damage. Pachirisu helps attach 2 energy cards to itself. Shaymins ability moves it to zekrom. Reuniclus, recovers damage off of Zekrom, because zekrom hits itself for 40 each time. Yanmega, deals some great damage too, but I would focus on pulling that out only when a fighting deck is there to take out zekrom. Of course I would use Yanmega if zek is not out yet, and I need to attack the opponant.
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck

This has too much improvement to be added so i just add new list....

4 Zekrom
2 Pachirisu
2 Shaymin
2 Cleffa
1 Tyroque
3 Yanma
3 Yanmega

14 Lightning

4 Juniper
4 Judge
4 Dual Ball
3 Junk Arm
2 Communication

3 PlusPower
2 Defender
2 Reversal
1 Circulator

First off, you don't need Zoroark nor Reuniclus lines in Zekrom deck. You won't run out of Main attackers (Unless you don't like to use Yanmega which is the best possible tech for zekrom deck) so rescue energies and revives are useless.
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck

Gotcha. Well I wanted reunclus, in order to move damage of zekrom, when zekrom does 40 damage to itself. But I will take your suggestion into consideration. Thank you :D
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck

You must MAX out zekrom in any zekrom deck. That is the main change needed but there are others changes needed to like....

+2 Zekrom (you need to swarm with zekrom)
+3 cleffa (to get you through the beggining of the game)
+1 Pachirisu (needs more)
+1 Shaymin (needs more)
-1 solosis (only need a 2-2-2 line if any) I would reccomend other techs over reuniclus but i have seen good deck with zekrom and reuniclus and i understand wanting to add the cards you own in your deck)
-2-2 zoroark (not needed)

-1 revive (4 is uneeded)
-1 energy search (terrible in this deck(cause of pachirisu))
-3 energy retrieval (There are no cards that will be discarding energies)
These changes are needed.

-2 PETM (Elms) (this card in not needed cause you could only search for 5 pokemon)(my deck runs two cause i have 10 evos)
-2 IQ (interviewers) (not needed cause you just use pachirisu shaymin)
-2 Seekers
These supporters are NOT needed in this deck.

-3 rescue (just revive them)
-2 DCE (is not needed but might work in some varients so this depends)
The rescues and dce are really not needed but you need more thunder energies.
+3 Thunder energy

+3 Dual ball (to search for zekrom, pachorisu, and shaymin)
+3 pluspower (to ko reshiram and others)
+2 junk arm (to reuse the other trainers)
+1 SSU (read the stradegy at the end)
These trainers are needed in zekrom decks.

+1 Pokemon Collector (same as dual ball)
+3 Juniper (for a new hand and to trash the uneeded)
These supporters will help this deck alot.

Your main stradegy is to get zekrom active and then the pachirisu shaymin combo for possible donk and if that doesnt work just keep hitting for 120 each turn using reuniclus to move the fourty damage and all the oppenets attacks damage to a benched zekrom then ssu him to remove all the damage. I could see you run reshiram also to move the damage counters to. And then then if you cant ssu you can just use outrage for mega damage.

This deck looks good after these changes and i wish you the best of luck! Hope I Helped!
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck (Needs division in thread title)

Wow, I REALLY appreciate this advice! Helped me lots. I think I'll be following your advice tyrannitar trainer! I also want to use reunlcus to be unique and not copy everyone else. I dont want to have a common deck. But honestly, this has helped me sooo much!
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck (Needs division in thread title)

I really enjoyed how you had a specific explanation for all this, and how you went in depth. My deck is going to be exactly like you have suggested. I wanted to ask though, would you REALLY REALLY suggest other tech's other then reuniclus? If so, who and why? I really did not like the yanmega idea, posted earlier (no offense to the previous poster).
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck

The reason why Yanmega is the best tech is because he resists fighting, which Zekrom is weak too.
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck

I havent ever run zekrom but i have faced quite a few and seen some good techs and yanmega might help to counter donchamp because with my reccomendations i did not think about donchamp. And if you like my ideas you can edit your previous list to make it how you want so when people post on it again they wiil reccomend things for your current decklist.

-1 PAchirisu (needs other cards)
-1 Shaymin (needs some other cards)
-1 Dual ball (running collector 3 db is not needed)
-1 Pluspower (only need when facing the two dragons so two is enough)
-1 Juniper (judge will help more)
-2 Proffessor oaks (judge will help more)
+2-2 Yanmega Prime (to counter donchamp)
3 Judge (to get same amount of cards as your oppenet so yanmega can attack for free)

These changes i would add onto thye changes i made earlier. Hope I Helped.
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck (Needs division in thread title)

So let me get this straight. I would need

This will be my deck so far when it comes in. I want to rewrite it out so its clear.


x2 shaymin
x2 pachirisu
2-2-2 solisis, duosion and reuniclus
4 zekrom (maxed out)
3 cleffa ( so it can attack for free and I get the cards I want eventually)


x13 {L}

x2 junk arm
x2 plus power
x3 pokemon collectors
x2 dual balls
x2 Juniper
x3 Judge
x4 super scoop up
x2 Prof oaks theory
x3 revive
x3 Pokémon communication

29+13+17= 56 cards total.

when I decide to add x2 yanma and x2 yanmega, that will make 60 cards :)
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck (Needs division in thread title)

If you do not want Yanmega PRIME that is understandable so judge is not needed without yanmega so
-1 Judge

shaymin and pachi are needed if there is space so
+1 shaymin
+1 Pachirisu

Otherwise looks pretty amazing good luck!
RE: Help with Zekrom Deck (Needs division in thread title)

tyrannitar trainer said:
If you do not want Yanmega PRIME that is understandable so judge is not needed without yanmega so
-1 Judge

shaymin and pachi are needed if there is space so
+1 shaymin
+1 Pachirisu

Otherwise looks pretty amazing good luck!

Ive decided to do the Yanma and yamega prime. But I want your honest opinion, should I keep the reuniclus? Does my whole idea with that make sense/will it help me? I know its not a common idea, but I really feel like it help me, recover damage off of Zekrom, as that will be hitting itself pretty hard. If you dont suggest it, what should I replace it with? I would prefer something that helps damage off of zekrom.
Coolkevkv Reuniclus really doesnt help the idea of the deck because it takes too long to setup. But i really think it could go either way i would have to test it myself to see if it would be worth the space. I would think that reuniclus is a bit of waste of space but i am not sure. I will give you some good deck lists based on who is in them, these are my reccomendations. My favorite is the second one but your deck your choice. Hope i helped
4 Zekrom
2 PAchirisu
2 Shaymin
3 Cleffa
2-2-2 Reuniclus
2-2 Yanmega Prime

4 Judge
3 Pokemon Collector

4 Pokemon Communication
4 Super Scoop Up
2 Dual Ball
2 Junk arm
2 Revive
2 Pluspower

13 Electric Energy
4 Zekrom
3 Pachirisu
3 Shaymin
3 Cleffa
3-3 Yanmega Prime

4 Judge
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Juniper

4 Pokemon Communication
4 Dual Ball
3 Revive
2 Junk arm
2 Pluspower

14 Electric Energy
4 Zekrom
3 Pachirisu
3 Shaymin
3 Cleffa
2-2-2 Reuniclus

4 Jniper
3 Pokemon Collector

4 Pokemon Communication
3 Dual Ball
3 Revive
2 Junk Arm
2 Rare CAndy
2 Pluspower

14 Electric Energy
Sorry about the size of the post i thought that this would be the easiest way. Hope i helped.
Ok I will make the deck without reuniclus, but it will be very costly on my part, having to buy another pachirisu( 15$) shaymin (15$), 3 yanmegas ($20) - each. This deck better win, with all the money I'm putting into it!
I hope it does I would reccomendd proxying them and then testing them before buying them so you can make changes here and there before you pay for those expensive cards.
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I dont know much about pokebeach yet. I would Before you buy the cards test with fakes to make sure it is what you want to do. I am not sure there is much more to say?

Again, please take the off topic discussion through PM/Profile Comments. Any more off-topicness in this thread will get deleted.
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Enabling PMs. Use them, they help.

Now only talk about the deck.

dmaster out.