Here's a pie, NOW EAT IT! (you-person-person-you)

I frown instead...

Here's some gum, and don't put it on the bottom of a table or I will...
I choke it down.
Here's a sword. Go stab yourself with it and make the whole world a bit happier ;D
I give it to Ganon (who PWNs by the way), and he kills you with!

Here's a Pokeball, now hide it!
*Inserts last thing I did with something here*

Here's a computer, NOW EAT IT!!!!
I throw it into a volcano, where he will burn alive!

I trap Uberchu in a room, and this room has a spiked ceiling. And it's falling!
I eat it!

Here's a copy of the movie giratina and the sky warrior, NOW WATCH AND ENJOY!!!!!!