Pokemon Hermaphrodite???


Aspiring Trainer
There is an aspect that hasnt been approached by Pokemon, namely a hermaphrodite pokemon, some animals have a hermaphrodite gender, and almost a lot of flower are hermaphrodite because of the pistillum and stamen, why wont Pokemon do this stuff? Well probably, because its not really polite(Transgender-stuff is not really good for children,at least what i think it is)
I don't think Game Freak would attempt to make a hermaphrodite Pokémon, simply because it's not something they'd want to focus on, for the reason the original poster stated - the topic could be seen as "not child-friendly". They try to keep the games as child-friendly as possible most of the time, so it's understandable that such a thing wouldn't come up as a concept.

XieRH's mention of Ditto is a good one. Ditto is most likely the closest thing we'll get to such a Pokémon.
we also have porygons.... which are not even real pokemon, but virtual creations.....
how do those re-produce?
How do,Metagross Reproduce?I cant imagine the thought of metagross reproduction.
ogeray said:
we also have porygons.... which are not even real pokemon, but virtual creations....
how do those re-produce?

He's in the mineral group, which contains all manner of non-biological entities so... the answer is to do it with a ditto
Eh, that would make the breeding mechanics... weird. Plus, even in hermaphrodites, there is a dominant gender which renders some... organs useless.
This thread has sufficient enough discussional value to remain open.

Child-friendly or not, Pokemon is mostly based off of biological ideas, and there are certainly hermaphrodites in nature. Certain species of worms, bryozoans, snails, slugs, flukes, and barnacles are all hermaphroditic creatures; so why not in Pokemon?
Personally, I think a lot of people still find the idea of something that falls into both sexes to be really disturbing. I wouldn't deny that there are tons of things in nature that fall into that category (as Myles said). Likewise, there are just as many creatures that can switch genders as needed (some frogs and other amphibians can do that when the amount of suitable mates dwindles in certain regions of the world, if I recall).

However, the issue of things being age appropriate for children easily would keep these things from being introduced into Pokemon. Granted, there are a lot of older fans into the series (though even I at twenty-four find prospects such as these things quite disturbing, even after educating myself on such matters), but unless Nintendo wanted to lose a ton of customers who's parents are upset with the content of their video games, it wouldn't be a good idea to include these...
It's fine to put it into the game if it's not explicit or can be subverted. Ditto was a good example of bisexuality. And let's not forget things like incest. I'm sure most of us among the competitive guys have performed inbreeding for IV/move inheritance, we just never really stopped for a moment to think about what we were really doing from that perspective.

And that's just fine as far as the game is concerned.
Thats just a species name.

Species name does not imply gender. The gender is calculated from the personality value IIRC.

Still is pretty funny to have a female with a Mr. in the name :p
Posted by XieRH - Today 01:57 AM
The gender is calculated from the personality value IIRC.

whats IIRC? I haven't played in a while (1 year) so I am still learning things. A way to remide the Mr. in Mr. Mine that I saw was to name it Mrs. Mime. But it still looks like an old man lol.
IIRC = if I recall correctly.

Mr. Mime's Japanese name is Barrier'd. A poster from Something Awful worked on the game translations up to D/P and stated that Mr. Mime's English name was a major point of contention: he and a few others fought against a gender-specific name, but they went with Mr. Mime anyway. And then they introduced genders in the next game, and because it wasn't called Mr. Mime in Japanese it was listed as being able to be both male and female. They couldn't just remove this for the English version.
Posted by Zenith - Today 12:09 PM
IIRC = if I recall correctly.

Mr. Mime's Japanese name is Barrier'd.

Lol I though iirc was a pokegame techno jargon.

If I recall too that the Japanese name for Mr. M was Barrier'd too, which is a genderless name in Japan. Don't quote me exactly because my memory is foggy on that.