Heroes, confusing unless seen from the beginning?


The invisible user
Some of my favourite tv shows ended and I had nothing to watch. I heard a lot of people who watched Heroes so I started to watch it. My friend told me to watch from the beginning, which I did (up to season 2 episode 5 in 1 week) and I love it.

Question is, do you think it's possible to watch heroes from any point in the series without being confused? There are so many plots that people might not understand but it might not be impossible. Still, everyone told me to watch from the beginning but if I didn't maybe I wouldn't understand

what do you think?
I have seen every episode, It's good veiwing. But there's too many sub-plots which build up the main plot for you to watch from anywhere. I think you could skip out seiries two because that wasnt really part of any of the rest of the plot. But thats about it. I would reccomend watching it all in order ;P
Try Lost out of order. GAHHHHHHHHHH

Heroes was pretty good starting at Season 2. I wasn't that confused. Of course seeing the Season 1 finale helped. Huge episode.

dmaster out.
Gahhhh this programme sucked, seriously. Season 1 was a good idea but then it got worse, it was a good idea that had a terrible, terrible storyline. I gave up as I missed a episode then there was no people that I recognised. Thye have a new character with a new super-power every week! D:
Heroes was an excellent idea for a show but they could've done so much more with it. What might have been a fantastic concept turned into a fantastic programme became a fantastic concept executed so poorly it became something mediocre. They got the idea of the superhero and took out everything that made it so great.

Still, I'd say to watch it from the beginning. :p
I watched the whole first season. The second one was prett, complicated to my easy mind. It was so confusing that my brain went away and decided to join here.

da mach
Ok, I kinda watched the first part a little, and now as I am trying to figure out what is going on in the 2nd part.
Isnt someone gonna describe the story line or something? :p
Soul Seeker said:
I watched the whole 1st and 2nd season, when does the 3rd one start ?

It started ages ago her ein England and the rest of the UK :p
Umm.. It's not that confusing Dx

People who are juding it from the second seiries. You suck Dx seiries 3 and 4 just keep getting better ;P
^ Well the thing is, that sttement is wrong
Lickilicky_Guy said:
seiries 3 and 4 just keep getting better

Okay, the 3 & 4 well... just suck! I mean they've ruiend the whoel thing, it was a brilliant idea and now... it's a pile of crud!