
Really looking forward to it. I'm hoping it isn't as bad as the Second Season, but so far, it's just hype.

dmaster out.
pikachu1246 said:
I don't like heroes. it didn't have much action it was all expected suspense.

Okay, I don't know exactly what you're talking about. "Expected Suspense"? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Its a very fast show, there's hardly EVER any suspense. Everything happens really quickly.

Not much action? In the first season, there was a hostage situation that resulted in a girl caughing up a bullet, some guy blowing up a house with his hands and getting tranquilized, and a guy causing another person to lose his memory. That was just 1 Episode.

You have over 20 people with supernatural powers that, among them are mind readers, absorbtion of other abilities, flying, radioactiveness, invisibility, being able to melt things upon touch, and even more. I don't know how that ISN'T action.
oh look at me I go back and forth in time so I can stop peoples drinks from falling and I touch stuff and melt it for fun.-_-
pikachu1246 said:
oh look at me I go back and forth in time so I can stop peoples drinks from falling and I touch stuff and melt it for fun.-_-

...WOW. Okay, he can also freeze time, if you didn't know. He can melt the empire state building if he wanted to.

Exactly what IS action to you? Being right in the middle of the Civil War, wearing 10 bullet proof vests and getting hit by 500 bullets?

P.S: I don't agree with what you have in your profile. Just because I don't completely agree with you on some subjects, doesn't mean I'm mean or don't like you :|. And, if you DO think I'm mean, you don't even have a sound reason -_-
pikachu1246 said:
not much action really...

Not much action?! Expected suspense?! Sorry, but how is anything expected when watching that show. Me and my bro were sitting on the edge of the couch during each episode. I am obsessed with this show, but I am also extremely sad that my favorite character died.

I can't wait for the new season. After the writer's strike I was starting to get a feeling they wouldn't continue. But I guess good things come after a while, or something :/ Anyways...pikachu1246, what IS action to you? How was the last episode of this season not action/suspenseful/cool/amazing? But, it is your opinion, so I don't really care. I just can't wait for the next season!
PokeLen said:
pikachu1246 said:
not much action really...

Not much action?! Expected suspense?! Sorry, but how is anything expected when watching that show. Me and my bro were sitting on the edge of the couch during each episode. I am obsessed with this show, but I am also extremely sad that my favorite character died.

I can't wait for the new season. After the writer's strike I was starting to get a feeling they wouldn't continue. But I guess good things come after a while, or something :/ Anyways...pikachu1246, what IS action to you? How was the last episode of this season not action/suspenseful/cool/amazing? But, it is your opinion, so I don't really care. I just can't wait for the next season!

Seriously. IT has a lot of action.

GOD! I've been waiting for the next season for months, knowing there was a strike, made me feel sad, I had a hunch that Heroes is gonna be cancelled though. But, it's good that it's still gonna continue.