Hgss On MagneBoar counter?

Well what happen if you do this early in game. And just to say when pokemon catcher comes out magnazone and emboar will have some problems.
thepliskin5005 said:
Drifblim is a good counter aginst magnazone. You could shuffle magnazone and all cards attached to magnazone back in there deck.

You could do that, but that will only last temporally, then they just draw Magnezone, and then they just finish what they started. The easiest way is to use Machamp prime, and Donphan Prime
He is better than you think at first glance. My only problem with him is set up, but you can RC first turn, and attatch a DCE. First turn and he can already be up and running is pretty consistent.

Remember the rare candy errata...
Gliscor said:
thepliskin5005 said:
Drifblim is a good counter aginst magnazone. You could shuffle magnazone and all cards attached to magnazone back in there deck.

Only to let your opponent bring up another Magnezone. Once one Magnezone comes out, another one can easily come back up. Besides, a good Magneboar player would never dumb all of their Energy on to the Active Magnezone in case a KO happens.

ya...i just keep the amount of energy i need to attack then dump the rest on shuckle...but with catcher... my magneboar cant operate without my shuckles so ya...a good counter is actually just to use catcher to bring up those emboars.
catutie said:
ya...i just keep the amount of energy i need to attack then dump the rest on shuckle...but with catcher... my magneboar cant operate without my shuckles so ya...a good counter is actually just to use catcher to bring up those emboars.

Really? I haven't run Shuckle and I've never really had a problem unless for some reason I can't get my first Zone set up.
i mostly use shuckle as a starter. just attach my energy for the turn to him and then draw another card. once i get a zone set up retreat and just have an energy well on my bench :D it works very well but with catcher...just catcher it up and i lose 3-6 energy -_-
I thought of some thing grumpig with the card judge. Grumpig first attack stops your oppoent from useing pokemon powers during there turn. You could use this at the begning of the game.....but there isnt a lot of psychich decks out there.
You can do that if you want, and while it is effective when it comes to stopping Magnetic Draw, Grumpig's damage output is ridiculously low. Magneboar will have a lot of time to setup, and there's no stopping Emboar in that instance.
IDK about Grumpig. They should be able to set up without it, even though it might take a turn or two longer.
thepliskin5005 said:
I thought of some thing grumpig with the card judge. Grumpig first attack stops your oppoent from useing pokemon powers during there turn. You could use this at the begning of the game.....but there isnt a lot of psychich decks out there.

No, just no. Cleffa will give the magnaboar a new hand until it can set up zone then just one shot you.
Gliscor said:
thepliskin5005 said:
Drifblim is a good counter aginst magnazone. You could shuffle magnazone and all cards attached to magnazone back in there deck.

Only to let your opponent bring up another Magnezone. Once one Magnezone comes out, another one can easily come back up. Besides, a good Magneboar player would never dumb all of their Energy on to the Active Magnezone in case a KO happens.

a good player of any kind wouldn't dump all of their energies onto one pokemon....those grind pokemon ideas are suckers for new players to get walked over when they try to use those. and shuckle you only want to attach a certain amount...which you then get off of him with magnezone's attack. all other pokemon have no reason to have energies dumped on unless MAYBE if you know a judge is coming and you're completely confident your pokemon won't get knocked out until it uses all of the energy you place on it.
catutie said:
i mostly use shuckle as a starter. just attach my energy for the turn to him and then draw another card. once i get a zone set up retreat and just have an energy well on my bench :D it works very well but with catcher...just catcher it up and i lose 3-6 energy -_-
Posts like these make me wonder if there's any hope for this game... Why would you dump all of your energy on a 60-HP starter, especially when Cleffa is clearly the only starter that works in the deck and Shuckle is un-needed dead draw in Magnezone.

As far as a counter goes, Magnezone doesn't actually threaten most decks. The threatening part is their RDL. The only decks that should have issues against pure Magnezone are Zekrom and Chiccino. Magnezone decks with RDL in them are very hard to deal with; one of the best counters is running RDL yourself although that only really works in Reshiram. It would help a lot if you told us what your deck was.
Magnezone threatens ALL decks because it can OHKO ANY of your pokemon. I don't think there is a counter to magnezone at the moment.
Most Magnezone decks will tech RDL or Reshiram to deal with Donphan. However, with some of these new cards being announced, I thin Magneboar's days might be numbered anyway.

Also, Magnezone isn't invincible for being able to OHKO everything Weavile. One glaring problem is that the energy you have in your deck is all you have to attack with. If a Zone player isn't careful with his use of energy, he is going to lose, and if he has too much energy in the deck, setup will be slow, and he is going to lose.
yeah magnezone can OHKO everything as Weavile said but also has to be controlled as Magnevire said. there's a limit to it's threat.

water and flying pokemon decks are the only ones really threatened enough by magnezone to need a tech against it thanks to their weakness. magnezone only has to LZ 1-2 energies regardless of the pokemon if they're weak to lightning. so 6-12 energies is no biggie (magneboar usually runs around 10-16 energies)