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Hi Mewtwo EX!

Who dares me to play this at States?

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Red Striker

VGC Trainer
3-3 Darmanitan (DarMAXitan)
2-2 Musharna
3-1-2 Gardevoir
2 Victini (Fliptini)
1-1 Whimsicott (The Whimsicott with Helping Hand from EP)

~20 Pokemon~


~16 Energy~

3 Cilan
4 Prof. Elm's
3 Communication
2 Collector
2 Super Rod
2 Rare Candy
2 Catcher
3 Switch

Description: This deck was mainly meant to counter Mewtwo EX (not to mention countless other things). The point of this deck is to charge up Darmaitan (Whimsicott helps with this, as it can take energy from the deck and attach them to your pokemon) and have its initial attack, DarMAXitan, charged up, since it does 50x the amount of energy attached to it. With Gardevoir on the bench, three Psychic energies attached becomes six energies, since with its Ability, and Psychic energy attached to and Psychic pokemon becomes {P}{P}. However, DarMAXitan requires coin flips with its attack (it's actually 50x the amount of heads and you flip a coin for each energy attached), which is where FlipTini comes in. Musharna acts as my draw power with its Ability, allowing me to gain two cards each turn. With two successful coin flips, I can OHKO Mewtwo EX. If I manage to get three heads, I can usually OHKO everything else (assuming it ooit isn't a Steel-type and/or has Evolite).
Well, the opponent's Mewtwo EX also benefits from gardevoir and the energies attached to darmanitan. I think that mew two EX is the best mew two EX counter actually. If you can I'd add about 1 or 2 since it sets up quicker. I'm not so sure about whimsicott though since it is easy to OHKO. Try cutting some psychic energies for some rescue. I wouldn't use PETM.

-6 psychic energy

+1 communication
+4 junk arm
+2 collector
+3 rescue

Hope I helped. :D
I reccomend adding definitely the junk arms and maybe a fisherman or two to easily recover discarded energy.
both musharna and refliptini are low HP bench sitters. They're shouting:
"MEWTWO, CATCHER KO ME RIGHT NOW!!!!" So disable with train.er lock. Gardy might have that problem, too...
anyway, 1 or 2 mewtwos would help as a secondary and faster attacker. U also need junk arm.
Well, with vileplume junk arm will be useless. I'd suggest
-2 cilan (really not a problem getting out energies)
+2 Twins if you are going to run vileplume. Since musharna will probably catchered (if not playing vileplume) it will help get out stuff that you will need.
as said before this deck might actually suffer due to the fact that mewtwo EX benefits to the multiple energies on your pokemon. If you eventually decide to use mewtwoEX in this deck then run some DCEs
as said before this deck might actually suffer due to the fact that mewtwo EX benefits to the multiple energies on your pokemon.
The problem with this argument:

Let's assume that both Darmanitan and Mewtwo have the bare minimum of Energy you need to attack - so, that would be 2 each.

Mewtwo's X-Ball does 20 damage base, times 4 (since that's the total energy), times 2 (for weakness), which is 160 damage - an OHKO on Darmanitan regardless. And heck, if it's Mewtwo vs Mewtwo and this happens, all you need is 5 or more total Energy on both Active Pokemon and that's an OHKO.

Summation: Don't be worried too much about loading excess Energy. Mewtwo OHKOs you anyway.

you will probably want to load up on Super Rod, Fisherman, and/or Flower Shop Lady
4 rare candies is a must if darm is your main.

so you have the chance to rare candy + dbce and roll for 2 attacks on the first turn.
I've been reading over these comments, and will think all of this over within the next day or two. Thanks for the suggestions!