'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

Does this mean that Trainers such as Guzma and Acerola will still be viable post-rotation?

We don't know yet. They definitely won't be until this releases in the fall, unless Unified Minds adds them in a surprising move. How they'll be handled here is unclear - they might be just treated like alternate arts, or they might be newly viable.

Normally, all of the cards in the fall mini-set are included in Standard, but this set is potentially different (both because they've sort of changed how rotations work a bit, with the letters on the cards denoting set rotation, and because this is an unusual set with a bunch of GXs etc.
Remix Bout, Dream League and SM12 JP will probably be our SM12 in the west. They've been following the same pattern for a couple of years now.
Like the past few holiday sets, Hidden Fates‘s Elite Trainer Box will come with ten booster packs instead of the usual eight and a special promo card — this time of Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno-GX

this will sell really well.
That would be the understatement of the year
By "It’s possible they’ll print them as “A” alternate art cards, within a shiny sub-set that’s not legal for Standard" could it end up being like Radiant Collection was a sub-set of Generations and Legendary Treasures?
Finally, a set I actually want to open up packs for! It's been too long. I think since Shining Legends.

(And I'll finally be able to play shiny expanded BuzzLyc on PTCGO, I've been waiting since GX ultra shiny came out for this)
Uhhh, btw what happened to Onix and Starmie-GX? I'd rather be getting those than this family filler stuff.
Why not all of it? I honestly want the family box cards for my collection on top of Onix and Starmie. Just because they're not competitively viable doesn't really take away collectible appeal.
Please TPCi don't make Shinies common. Don't pull an SLG where the shtick lost it's appeal because it was too easy to obtain everything
Please TPCi make shinies common, and also make shiny Charizard GX a promo because I'd like to have a set where I don't have to spend a fortune.