High Risk - High Reward?

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
So we all know Sally Ex PK has a tendency of ripping through your deck. Why not make a deck that speeds through 8 to 14 cards a turn by also using Delcatty? I've been drawtesting, and usually there is no stopping it once Delcatty hits the bench. Because the deck goes so freakishly fast, you might consider the risk of deckout. However, I found a well-timed Copycat/Holon Farmer takes care of said problem with a lot of ease. So while the risk of deckout might be lurking, if you just hit fast and hard enough the reward makes up for it.

Your view on it?
I love it. Ever since I saw Sally ex PK, I knew it was a good card and had even better potential. 150 attack just for discarding 5 cards. You only need 3 min - 6-8 max to win. Prof oaks research and copycat are great cards to prevent decking when you have delcatty.
The bench hitting attack is pretty intense also. Consider the decks that run things like Strarmie d, Fearow d, Chimecho d, and more. It's a potentially easy way to get a lot of prizes quickly.
I guess combo'd with cards that let you look at cards on top of your deck (ie Aggron (PK), Stableye (CG), Magcargo (DX) and so on..)

I guess this card can have some potential
This is one of my favorite cards in the modified format. It works great even if the opponet is attempting to stall and sends out somthing weak to absorb the 150 attack. If they do that the you just hit their entire bench for 30. (If they have a full bench or 4 is when I use this attack.)

If nothing else this card is a great intimidator as it makes the opponet afraid to send their strongest card foward.

In my deck, Dragon Wave, (A list of my deck can be found in the deck garage.) I usualy start my onslaught with Salamence EX DX and snipe with Flame Jet for 40. If they bring up somthing that can withstand Bright Flame (120), I retreat and 1HKO it with Salamence EX PK, if they don't send up anything that is a threat then you'll eventualy win by sniping and Bright Flaming. The only realy problem with this these guys is the colorless weakness, which can be obtained by anybody with a crystal shard. Blastoise D can counter this, but there is a way to shut him off if the foe plans for the occasion...
J-man said:
This is one of my favorite cards in the modified format. It works great even if the opponet is attempting to stall and sends out somthing weak to absorb the 150 attack. If they do that the you just hit their entire bench for 30. (If they have a full bench or 4 is when I use this attack.)

If nothing else this card is a great intimidator as it makes the opponet afraid to send their strongest card foward.

In my deck, Dragon Wave, (A list of my deck can be found in the deck garage.) I usualy start my onslaught with Salamence EX DX and snipe with Flame Jet for 40. If they bring up somthing that can withstand Bright Flame (120), I retreat and 1HKO it with Salamence EX PK, if they don't send up anything that is a threat then you'll eventualy win by sniping and Bright Flaming. The only realy problem with this these guys is the colorless weakness, which can be obtained by anybody with a crystal shard. Blastoise D can counter this, but there is a way to shut him off if the foe plans for the occasion...

not much deck play crystal shard, even if they do so, it'll be 1/2. It is not easy to get it out without castaway.

I think the altaria ex combo w it could work
I play this:

3 Skitty
3 Delcatty
3 Swablu
2 Altaria ex D
1 Altaria ex (to get rid of safeguarders)
4 Bagon
2 Shelgon
4 Salamence (2 DF, 2 PK).

and the key ingredient:

4 Power Tree

Try that and see how it works. A charm I tell you.
Are those Delcatty PK or Delcatty EX's? (I'm guessing PK to assist with drawing.) I've had a lot of people tell me the threat of crystal shard is a limited threeat so I've been seriously thinking of dumping to a 1-0 -1 Blastoise D. (Maybe 1-1-1 for saftey... I've yet to decide.)

I like your set up, but I think I'll stick to mine as I love Salamence EX DX (At least until the format shifts, then I'll use DF Salamence EX D...) and Nidoqueen D and can't see my deck working without smoothly without them. (Nidoqueen D also works as my anti-safeguard and thaks to DX Salamence gets a free retreat when she gets done taking care of the problem.)

However somthing I'll probaly try is uping my power tree count to 4 from the dropped Blastoise D, 2 Power Trees just isn't consistent enough considering how important they are. Thanks for the suggestions!
I just use this:
Magneton PK 2-2
Salamence ex (PK/DF) 2/2-2-4 *Bagon and Salamence are 'delta'
Nidoqueen 'delta' 2-1-2
Holon's Castform 4

Queen to search and Anti-Ex. I might add in Latios ex d, for annoyance :p
I like it. I think its a really good idea. Maybe a few magneton (PK) are in order though. Maybe you could take out some Altaria? You can get past safeguarders with hydro wave to destroy the bench. use it with boost (hydro wave) to use it twice in a row, destroying most basics and grabbing some prizes.
Of course i like any ex's just cause they're rare, but this is too risky for a conservative player like me. There is always a risk of discarding a really good card.