Ruling Highest Damage


Innovative Roleplayer
Can someone tell me the Highest Damage Ever?
1. In Dx-On format
2. In General Format
3. Highest you've done
4. Do not include "flip a coin until you get tails" cards, they are exceptional for doing infinite possible damage.
5. Please explain how the damage is done.
Depends... you could have a ridolous amount of damage using a 20x Pokémon like Crawdaunt with 58 energies against a weakness Pokémon meaning 2320 damage...
my highest is not high, i use typhlosion(UF) with energy root with 12 dmg counters with weakness doing 340dmg, i have heard some much highers.
it's really lucky that time lol i was at losing situation but won in the end thx to my typhlosion ^^
HA saw a higher dmg today, i was playing with my gf. she use exeggutor frm Ex FireRed and LeafGreen.
she had her exeggutor with 3 DCE, 2 DRE and 1 psychic energy
and she roll 8 heads out of 11 -.-" which give 300dmg to me lol but typhlosion is fire type so no weakness to it... imagine if it is on weakness 600dmg lol.... guess i got really unlucky hand to start with >.<" give her enuff time to stall so much energy >.<"
i won in the end tho lol =D
m0nster1nc said:
Depends... you could have a ridolous amount of damage using a 20x Pokémon like Crawdaunt with 58 energies against a weakness Pokémon meaning 2320 damage...

actually if u were playing unlimited then u could attach 4 DCE and a boost, therefore doing 280 dmg = 2600
Without flipping, 2760 by Rayquaza ex DR. The process is more complicated than you might think (like, for example, Final Sting making you doubly poisoned as well as paralyzed so you have only two turns to live after it gets used), and the number is probably off, but if you're talking raw, non-flippy damage, without Weakness, it's 2760, give or take 40 or 80 damage.

Highest damage I've ever done... can't remember. I did like 260 damage cause of double weakness, or something.
at PRERELEASE,metagross done to my lighting weak pokemon something like 360 damage with his metagross DS...

i was like O________O
12 Holon's DRE + 57 or 58 Fire Energy = ~2,760 damage. It's 40x the Energy you discard, discard everything for ~2,760 damage.
Even better, Eggs from RG. I forgot how much it was, but I think the final damage count was in the 6000 if you get all heads. Anyways, not sure how much I've ever done, but I recon its at least 200.