Wi-Fi Trades hipoke's NEW Trade Thread! Updated! New Layout, and EVEN MORE EVd Pokemon!

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@Flame seems that when you're online I'm not online.
@lillipup fill out the form
Will you trade a Shiny Growlithe for a Movie Victini? And will you Rare Candy Train my Shiny Darumaka without evolving it?
Is the Growlithe UT, and what nature is it? And yeah I'll rare candy your darumaka, but realize because you're training it by rare candies and not ev training it'll be a lot weaker then a normal one, because you're skipping evs totally.
Do you have a shiny female Snivy? Does anyone have a female shiny Snivy?
Also interested in eviolite porygon2, dw vulpix, and eviolite dusclops. I have a bunch of shinies, just name one and Ill see if I have it.
Snivylover555 said:
Do you have a shiny female Snivy? Does anyone have a female shiny Snivy?

Sorry I don't

pokemonjoe said:
Also interested in eviolite porygon2, dw vulpix, and eviolite dusclops. I have a bunch of shinies, just name one and Ill see if I have it.

Do you have any competitive grade pokemon? That's mainly what i'm looking for right now.
pokemonjoe said:
Also interested in eviolite porygon2, dw vulpix, and eviolite dusclops. I have a bunch of shinies, just name one and Ill see if I have it.

Do you have any competitive grade pokemon? That's mainly what i'm looking for right now.


Depends what you're looking for, but yea, I have some. For example, timid sigilyph w/ roost, ev'd metagross, ev'd porygon-z, ev'd shiny haxorus, modest volcorana, oh and the shiny litwick I'm trading you is also timid, and more.
hipoke said:
Is the Growlithe UT, and what nature is it? And yeah I'll rare candy your darumaka, but realize because you're training it by rare candies and not ev training it'll be a lot weaker then a normal one, because you're skipping evs totally.

i saw one of ur comments that said you cant EV train if its not UT and the Growlithe is UT its lvl 2 and theres no exp in the bar but has 10 exp pointswith pokerus, tradefor EV'd Movie Victini

IPokeFan123 said:
hipoke said:
Is the Growlithe UT, and what nature is it? And yeah I'll rare candy your darumaka, but realize because you're training it by rare candies and not ev training it'll be a lot weaker then a normal one, because you're skipping evs totally.

i saw one of ur comments that said you cant EV train if its not UT and the Growlithe is UT its lvl 2 and theres no exp in the bar but has 10 exp pointswith pokerus, tradefor EV'd Movie Victini

i dont want to Rare candy train my Darumak, but can you do my Jirachi? If you want you can EV Train Jirachi,Moves: Wish, Pyschich, Doom Desire, Calm Mind
Greatly interested in:

Victini @ Choice Scarf (E,J)
Adamant, Victory Star
4 HP, 252 Speed, 252 ATK
-Fusion Flare
-Fusion Bolt
-Flare Blitz

Azumarill @ Choice Band (?,T)
Adamant, Huge Power
252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Defense
-Aqua Jet
-Ice Punch

Ursaring @ Flame Orb (?,T)
Brave, Guts
252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Defense
-Fire Punch
-Close Combat

Pikachu Colored Pichu E Lv.31

Would you mind taking a look at my list for them? ^^
Azumarill @ Choice Band (?,T)
Adamant, Huge Power
252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Defense
-Aqua Jet
-Ice Punch

Can you clone this and cml for it. HUGE want!
Can you clone my Jirachi and give me both of em? I wanna give one to my cousin as a Thank-You Gift
chellochello said:
Azumarill @ Choice Band (?,T)
Adamant, Huge Power
252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Defense
-Aqua Jet
-Ice Punch

Can you clone this and cml for it. HUGE want!

Sorry, nothing really interested me >.>

IPokeFan123 said:
Can you clone my Jirachi and give me both of em? I wanna give one to my cousin as a Thank-You Gift

Yeah sure.
Pokemon: Night slash Oshawott(can supply, already have)
Move 1: Night slash
Move 2: Megahorn(when evolves)
Move 3: Hydro Cannon
Move 4: Crunch
Do you want me to Rare Candy it to 100 afterwards?: Yes
What times are good for you? (In EST please): Well, we can trade on saturday and we are both on the east coast. I will give you my oshawott on saturday possibly and will pick it up whenever I guess. Its almost the end of school, but im grounded for a bit so im limited. We can work other stuff out as well. You may pick a level 1 shiny from my thread, you deserve it!
>.> You do realize that you can't have more than 550 evs in all? And no more than 255 in each stat? So the recommended ev spread for an oshawott would be 252 atk, 252 speed, 4 hp. Also, Hydro Cannon isn't good for something that has better attack then sp.atk. If you can change what's wrong with your form, then yes I can do that. (Also, for your own good, you should pick a nature that's either +atk or +speed. Best if it's -sp.atk because you won't be using that. So, Adamant, and Jolly are best.) And don't take me wrong, I'm not trying to be mean, just helping you out here.
Pokemon: Night slash Oshawott(can supply, already have)
EV Spread: 252 SP ATTCK 4 HP(im sorry, new to the buisness, dont know how to and dont know much about it myself)
Move 1: Night slash
Move 2: Megahorn(when evolves)
Move 3: Hydro Cannon
Move 4: Crunch
Do you want me to Rare Candy it to 100 afterwards?: Yes
What times are good for you? (In EST please): Well, we can trade on saturday and we are both on the east coast. I will give you my oshawott on saturday possibly and will pick it up whenever I guess. Its almost the end of school, but im grounded for a bit so im limited. We can work other stuff out as well. You may pick a level 1 shiny from my thread, you deserve it! I also wanted to keep hydro cannon, you can give the rest to attack because I would like that as well. Sorry I didnt get it right. Would you take a lvl 51 shiny floatzel?
If you insist on Hydro Cannon, then Night Slash, Megahorn, and Crunch aren't a good idea because those are physical moves. Surf/Hydro Cannon/Grass Knot/Hidden Power(if you really want to take out hidden power for night slash or megahorn, but it'll do like really low damage compared to surf and such) Just suggesting, because otherwise he'll be really weak. BTW, you still have another 252 evs to spend. I don't really need any pokemon right now, happen to have Flight Gem?
Dont know what a flight gem is, and i already have night slash, egg move. I would like the moveset the way, I know you are suggesting, but I really had this laid out, and people can critisize and all, but I really am clueless about this, thanks, and the 252 would go to attack if its all the same, thanks
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