Wi-Fi Trades Hiro's player thread

ok well are you asking for a regular Groundon or a shiny one? and what you mean newly caught Groundon
Everything with something like "4 HP/252 Atk/252 Speed" after it is EVed. All EVed Pokémon are fully evolved, i.e. you'll be getting a Metagross, not a Beldum. Oh, and I also have 2 EVed Salamences posted in the last post which haven't been put in the first post yet.

P.S. I go by a no-redistribution policy. Basically, whatever I trade you, you don't give to anyone else in a trade. In exchange, I will make sure I don't give your shiny Sceptile to anyone else.
@wichu-deal I want your 2nd Ditto with adamant nature

@pika-sorry but I'm not intreseted
I just checked Sceptile's IVs, and they're nowhere near as good as what you said :(

This is what I got:
HP: 18-20
Atk: 17-19
Def: 23-25
Sp. Atk: 1-3 <- You said this was 28 :(
Sp. Def: 2-3
Speed: 29-30 <- And this isn't 31...

We don't have to trade back, but you should check IVs more carefully next time, as the next person you trade with might not be so forgiving.

P.S. I think you forgot to factor in EVs.
No I factored in everything right I just did it again mybe your IV calculator is messed up