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Standard Hit and Run Gengar - Spinda


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 17

* 2 Spinda SUM
* 2-2 M-Alakazam-EX FAC
* 3-2-3 Gengar BKT
* 3 Mew FAC

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30

* 1 Bursting Balloon
* 3 N
* 1 Rescue Stretcher
* 1 Devolution Spray
* 1 Timer Ball
* 1 Lily
* 3 Rare Candy
* 4 Ultra Ball
* 1 Nest Ball
* 1 Brigette
* 2 Skyla
* 1 Field Blower
* 3 Max Elixir
* 1 Altar of the Moone
* 2 Alakazam Spirit Link
* 4 Professor Sycamore

Energy: 13

* 13 Psychic Energy


My strategy with this deck is to set the exactly 30 damage required to attack and KO the opponent's Pokémon with Gengar's Creep Show. I try to do this mainly with Spinda's Teeter Punch attack (with the bonus of confusing the opponent's Pokémon) but sometimes I've found out that an alternate and more effective way to do this is with Alakazam-EX's Suppression.

In order to give some flexibility, I also use Mew which allows me to use either Spinda or Alakazam's attacks without putting them in the front line and at the same time giving mobility between the Pokémon I have available. In unfavorable conditions in which it becomes difficult to get a KO with Gengar's Creep Show, M-Alakazam also should fit pretty well as an alternate attacker in the deck (besides the more imediate effect of spreading damage on the board).

I know this deck is not as competitive as it was when Crobat was in the Standard format but I still believe it has some potential - and besides it is a lot of fun to play with anyway. I would like very much to know what you guys think of it as well as ideas on how to improve it.

(Please note that I made this list having in mind using only cards that will remain in the Standard format after the upcoming rotation. Another observation is that, for example, there is a line of 3-2-3 Gengar or only 3 rare candys instead of 4 for the sole reason I don't currently have a fourth Gengar or Rare Candy but feel free to comment on whether you guys do think they are a must or not in the deck as well as the quantity of the remaining cards in the list)