Hit Pounts/Effort Values:


Aspiring Trainer
What is the effect of Hit Points under my name and picture?
What is the effect of Effort Values under my name and picture?
This might help: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=7716
I know HP will raise if I am level up but I want to know that what are the effect?
I don' t think they will appear with no reason. :shy:
Go sit in the corner. You can come out in two days. Maybe then you'll be ready to play nice.
Water Pokemon Master said:
1. HP - amount of posts in the time you have been registered
2. EVs - activeness
3. EXP Points - how close you are to the next level
4. Level - a calculation of your posts and activeness combined to form your level

Credit to the n00b guide.
Depending on how good you do when you post the left number goes higher and if they are not long enough or SPAM for example the left side does not increase but the right side will increase no matter what you post about.:)
if it is a really short post like if you just said ok!!! or if you typed i page i suppose does it go down? maybe if you dont post for a long time i like how my first post was edited lol
h.d.v.b said:
How does it know if it is spam?
How does effort value go down?

A Spam post is a shot post & pointless(e.g. I agree with you...)...
I'm not sure how the Effort Value drop but it will drop once you reach a certain amount & level....
I am working on making my posts long and I have noticed that both sides are increasing on my EV. bar now that most of my posts are longer but I think if you have 2-3 lines and it is good then your left side will increase and if it is shorter than that it is concidered SPAM even if you are trying your best it is SPAM I have no idea why but if it is too short it is SPam even if you are trying to help.:)
xxashxx said:
I am working on making my posts long and I have noticed that both sides are increasing on my EV. bar now that most of my posts are longer but I think if you have 2-3 lines and it is good then your left side will increase and if it is shorter than that it is concidered SPM even if you are trying your best it is SPAM I have no idea why but if it is too short it is SPam even if you are trying to help.:)

I disagree with what you said because it does not mean your post will count as a SPAM post if it has 1 line only but it will count as a SPAM post IF you post things like "I agree with you." or things that does not help the person...
So xxashxx, why your hit point decrease?
Do you remember when your hit point degrease?
You posted a spam?

Also, if my hit point, effort values are keeping high, what does that mean??
timothy said:
So xxashxx, why your hit point decrease?
Do you remember when your hit point degrease?
You posted a spam?

Also, if my hit point, effort values are keeping high, what does that mean??

If your HP & EV is high, it means you have been posting an amount of posts in the time you have been registered & active in the forum...

P.S. If you are so concern about your HP & EV, then I suggest you to join the Battle Frontier games in the Game Corner... :D