Hit Pounts/Effort Values:

I've noticed that almost everyone who has a total HP over 500 gets their HP down to 1%. And if you don't visit for a day or something, the EV level drops.
Yes, which is why my EV's haven't dropped yet. I haven't missed a day. :p

I was up to around 700 when I dropped to 1 HP.

There is something wrong with the site so that the current HP of a user WILL drop at a certain number of post you reach. Mine was 1000, and this applied to many other members also.

Effort values are your so-called "activeness" and WILL drop once you are not active for a day, as stated above by others. Therefore, I'm just spamming. :F

Having high HP and EV does not, in any way or another (there is no other way), make you a "better" forum member. Yea.
timothy said:
So xxashxx, why your hit point decrease?
Do you remember when your hit point degrease?
You posted a spam?

Also, if my hit point, effort values are keeping high, what does that mean??

My hit points have never increased except 1 point and I don't really know how it works and Psychic Pokemon Master is half right because even though if you are trying to help the person and it is short it will not increase unless the post is 3 lines or so or longer.:)
I looked already. I don't really understand.
I think my level is too low to play with it, right?:(
It's actually your effort values... your stats are incrediably low, thus not giving much of a battle. Even a starter has a stat total of about 50, so you'll have to wait. I'll fill you in when you're ready.
Just be reminded that you do not HAVE to play the Battle Frontier. It's just for fun, making use of your forum stats.